Page 14 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 21st June 2021
P. 14

mooring tensioner XL cylinders in
                                                        carbon  steel  with  built-in
                                                        accumulators. Featuring a 600
                                                        mm diameter and 4500 mm
                                                        stroke  length,  these  hefty
                                                        hydraulic cylinders have a design
                                                        pressure of 230 bar (3335 psi).
                                                        Each one is also equipped with
                                                        high-grade stainless-steel piping
                                                        and manifold blocks.
                                                          Throughout this multi-million-
                                                        euro project, Eaton’s application
                                                        and manufacturing experience
                                                        were crucial to the customer,
       fluid can also leak into the sea creating   enabling a high-quality product that combines
       environmental problems.”             performance, reliability and safety advantages. The
         To create the coating, a laser beam spot   existing close relationship was also invaluable,
       impinges the piston rod surface, producing a   empowering Eaton to understand the customer’s
       shallow molten pool. Following the injection of   needs in-depth and collaborate effectively on the
       Eatonite powder, the pool solidifies as the piston rod   best solution.
       cools, leaving cascading weld beads. The rod is
       then turned and polished to the final surface  Low cost of ownership
       parameters. As a point of note, Eatonite is fully field   By combining exceptional corrosion protection with
       repairable, which further reduces the cost of any   an excellent sealing system, Eaton’s solution is able
       necessary upkeep.                    to withstand the application’s tough environment,
         “Usually, cylinders would need to be dismantled   substantially extending the lifetime of the mooring
       and sent for recoating, but we can do repairs locally   tensioners and enhancing operational safety. At the
       in application, minimising both the cost and time   same time, Eaton’s solution lowers total cost of
       required,” says Claessens.           ownership by minimising the risk of unplanned
         Eaton also integrated a stroke measurement   maintenance or equipment downtime.
       system, further enhancing the performance and   “Our customer focus was key to the success of
       safety factor of the mooring tensioners. The system   this project, as was an expert manufacturing plant
       enables the customer to know the position of the   that always lives up to its promises and has a 100%
       piston in the cylinder and accumulator at any   on-time delivery record,” says Claessens.
       moment. This capability also allows the early   Eaton now stands ready to provide the customer
       identification of any accumulator leaks, making it   with long-term support for repairs, spares, servicing
       possible to deal with issues promptly. Without such   and upgrades as required in the future. Concludes
       a system, the first sign of a problem would be   Kubica: “We’re always ‘in it together’ with our
       performance loss, or even sudden failure.   customers, working towards mutual success. This
         With just a 10-month lead-time, Eaton’s   project really brought that to life.”
       Eindhoven facility designed and delivered 12

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