Page 17 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 27th July 2020
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helps to protect the environment. Another benefit is   company’s commitment to providing solutions that
       that it provides a full audit trail showing previous   are driven by customer input.
       versions, and a full history of change requests   “Working with EPLAN has created new
       including who initiated, approved and made them.   opportunities for our business and has sharpened
         LCA has benefitted greatly from using the new   our focus on implementing innovative technologies,
       EPLAN ePULSE platform and, as a result, it has   allowing us to situate ourselves as market-leading
       purchased two additional EPLAN Pro Panel   within our industry” said LCA Managing Director,
       licenses,  along  with  company  design   Alan Sheppard. “EPLAN’s technologies help us
       standardisation, onsite consultancy and training   maintain our competitive edge and grow, allowing
       services from EPLAN. In the future, LCA is planning   us to deliver projects more efficiently. They also
       to also purchase EPLAN Cogineer and EPLAN   bring important benefits for our customers, which is
       Preplanning.                         always a prime consideration for us. We are
         LCA has also joined the EPLAN ePULSE   confident that working with EPLAN will help us
       customer advisory board, which is made up of   achieve even greater success in the coming years,
       carefully selected customers who help to guide   especially as the ePULSE platform continues to
       EPLAN in the future development of cloud-based   develop and expand.”
       solutions The board is pivotal in supporting the

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