Page 10 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 8th February 2021
P. 10


       Six steps to a connected factory

       The phrase ‘smart factory’ was first coined in 2011 at German trade exhibition, the
       Hanover Messe. The term describes a highly digitalized environment in which
       machinery optimizes and operates autonomously. Yet, despite being in our vocabulary
       for almost a decade, smart factories are not yet commonplace. tefan Reuther, Chief

       Sales Office at industrial software developer, Copa-Data, explains how ‘connected
       factories’ could be the first step of achieving digitalization in manufacturing.

                connected factory describes a facility that   achieving an ideal state of production through
              uses digital technology for seamless   sustainable productivity, self-correction, and quality.
              information exchange between people,   But, how is this state achievable?
       Amachines and sensors. Unlike smart    Step 1: Make data available for decisions  –
       factory initiatives, there is less focus on machinery   Connected factories are desirable due to their
       and more focus on connectivity. Connected factory   unique offering to workers and empowering them to
       initiatives can run alongside smart factory projects.   make decisions. Consider a maintenance engineer
       However, the connected factory goal is wholly   as an example. In a connected factory, the engineer
       focused on automating mechanical processes but   will have visibility of the entire plant’s operations

                          February 2021 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p10
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