Page 13 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 1st Febraury 2021
P. 13

Monitoring of cooling systems
       Increases in ambient temperature can, of course, be
       caused by degradation or even failure of the cooling
       systems such as fans. These need to be maintained,
       like every other component and monitored
       continuously in real time to ensure that their
       performance has not dropped below the required
       level due to wear or to a buildup of dirt in the
         Suitable sensors are available to help with this
       task. Omron’s D6F-PH digital pressure sensors for
       air flow and clogged filter detection in heat recovery   described in this article fully achieves this goal.
       units do this by detecting the differential pressure   Wide angle IR sensors identify hot spots wherever
       upstream and downstream of the fan or filter,   they occur on a panel; ambient temperature sensors
       detecting the degradation in performance as it   monitor the overall temperature of the cabinet while
       becomes clogged with dirt and providing an alert   air flow sensors verify that the cooling fans are
       when cleaning or replacement is required. A more   operating correctly. The real-time output of these
       compact alternative is the 2SMPB barometric   sensor solutions can then be analysed with
       pressure sensor. The Omron D-6FV can improve   algorithms, deskilling the maintenance process and
       efficiency by monitoring the exact air rate at which   allowing personnel to identify a fault and react in
       air is extracted by the fans.        real time. By tracking temperature changes over
         In conclusion, maintenance engineers should be   time, predictions can be made allowing
       able to carefully monitor the thermal status of a   maintenance to be scheduled to maximise engineer
       panel in real time without needing to open the panel   productivity and minimise downtime.
       door. A combination of the three types of sensors

          The new one: the AX/the KX.

          Opens up perspectives.

          The new generation of compact and small enclosures.

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