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                                                          FOOD & BEVERAGE

                                                                  MAKING A MAJOR
                                                         INVESTMENT IN YOUR BUSINESS,
                                               PARTICULARLY WHEN IT INVOLVES TRANSFORMATIVE
                                          TECHNOLOGIES, CAN BE DAUNTING. ANDY MACPHERSON,
                                      INDUSTRY MANAGER FOR FOOD AND BEVERAGE AT FESTO,
                                               IMPLEMENT A SMART FACTORY STRATEGY.

                usinesses need regular investment to thrive and   monitoring of parameters such as vibration, noise,   reducing ‘give away’, eliminating overfill and underfill, by
                survive. But budgets are finite and trading   temperature and energy consumption, providing   just 1% mean to your bottom line?
                conditions are always fluctuating, so deciding   invaluable insights to make your plant more reliable and   l  Improve agility: automation digitalisation keeps you
         Bwhere and when to inject the cash is a tough   less costly to run. Production lines can therefore run   ahead of your competitors and makes you more responsive
         call. This applies in any industry: but within the food and   effortlessly at higher performance levels for longer periods   to changes in demand. For example, automation
         beverage sector, two key drivers are the looming skills   of time with less human interaction.   digitalisation makes it easier to increase production
         shortage, particularly for manual tasks, and the constant   l  Optimise production: digitalisation enables continuous   efficiency, enabling the business to adapt to seasonal
         pressure to produce high quality, reliable and healthy   improvements that enhance production cycle times,   demand spikes without the need to buy more processing
         foods with total traceability.           optimising daily output. More accurate and streamlined   plant that sits idle out of season. It offers the potential to
           Automation digitalisation does not just improve   production results in less wastage, improving the bottom   increase agility to reconfigure processes more quickly and
         production and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), it   line.                   offer flexible ‘individualisation’ of products.
         also has numerous ways of giving you a good return on   l  Enhance quality: automation digitalisation reduces   l  Retain staff: It sounds counter-intuitive, but
         investment. All these factors should be considered when   human error. Recipes and processes are pre-determined,   automation digitalisation provides the opportunity to up-
         making the business case to invest.      and processes are monitored as they pass through each   skill your staff. It frees them to learn more value-added
         l  Increase uptime: digitalisation reduces unplanned   stage so that any deviation can be assessed and corrected   tasks, contributing to staff wellbeing and career
         downtime by predicting device failures before they   immediately. The ability to deliver consistent, traceable   satisfaction, as well as reducing the exposure to injuries
         happen. This can save up to 20% in maintenance time as   product is a key success factor for major food retailers and   through repetitive movements, or inattention due to
         errors are identified faster. It also reduces consequential   will therefore affect your ability to secure future contracts.   boredom. Engaged and motivated employees are an
         losses due to unplanned stoppages. With open   l  Reduce waste: Using automation digitalisation,   invaluable business asset.
         communication protocols this can also save time   product defects can be identified quickly and rectifications
         installing, commissioning, and adapting production   made before packaging. Identifying defects early, before  Adopting automation digitalisation
         processes. Complex plant is easier to use and can be more   value has been added, reduces waste, avoids recalls and   One of the most common barriers to adoption of the smart
         easily networked with other equipment.    maximises profits. Automation digitalisation reduces   factory approach is based on the misconception that ‘we
         l  Improve reliability: digitalisation enables the   waste right through to final packaging. What would   can’t afford a new factory’. You don’t need to build a new

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