Page 4 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 25th January 2021
P. 4


       How material choice impacts

       on adhesive productivity

       Ideally, material selection comes right at the beginning of a design process, but when

       a manufacturer is experiencing poor productivity for an established assembly, it
       might be time for a rethink. Paul Whitehead of adhesives specialist Intertronics looks
       at the relationship between material choice and productivity in an adhesives process

                 hen a manufacturer is
                 experiencing poor product-
                 ivity from an adhesives
       Wprocess, the first step to
       resolving the issue is to identify exactly why
       — there are several common pain points,
       including speed, quality and waste. If a
       manufacturer identifies that their material is
       holding them back, what can they do to
       reach their productivity potential?
         Compared with mechanical fastenings,
       adhesives can be slower in a production
       process, because manufacturers may have
       to wait for them to cure before the product
       can move on to the next stage. A long cure
       time can lead to bottlenecks and increased
       work in progress. To speed up an adhesive
       cure, it may be an option to add heat to
       assist the reaction (for example, if an epoxy
       adhesive is being used). Alternatively,
       adhesive chemistries are available with
       inherently fast cure rates, and with the
       possibility of no compromise in functionality.
         Many of our customers have found success   Because they are single part and available in a
       using UV light curing adhesives, which cure rapidly   range of viscosities, they require no special
       and on-demand when exposed to light energy.   application equipment and are easy to use. UV

                           January 2021 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p4
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