Page 16 - Industrial Technology E XTRA 24th August 2020
P. 16

Mitsubishi Electric and CC-Link IE. “We rely on   Electric, comments: “Our main goal was delivering
       Mitsubishi Electric’s automation products and the   a system that is highly functional but also easy to
       CC-Link IE family of open industrial Ethernet   use, maintain and expand. For example, as the
       technologies for our biogas production and water   plant develops and increases its volume of
       treatment projects. In fact, we believe that the   processed livestock manure, Roana could easily
       performance offered by these solutions is currently   upgrade its system by installing a newer MELSEC
       unmatched on the market.”            iQ-R controller, which provides more advanced
         To support Roana’s biogas operations, CC-Link   onboard features and supports a broader range of
       IE Field gigabit Ethernet connects a number of   I/O modules.
       automation devices from Mitsubishi Electric to   “The networking solution is already very flexible
       ensure high-performance communications. More   and advanced so effectively futureproofs the
       precisely, MAPS SCADA system is linked to a   installation.”
       MELSEC Q series PLC. This is then connected to
       five inverters, from Mitsubishi Electric’s energy-  A gateway to future-proof operations
       saving FR-F800 series, that regulate the functioning   Key elements of CC-Link IE Field that helped
       of all the electromechanical devices and   implement the vision described by Alberto Griffini
       components used in the process.      are the network technology’s gigabit bandwidth and
         As a result, operators have a comprehensive   its openness. Michele Di Stefano explains: “Thanks
       view of the entire plant and its processes in real-  to CC-Link IE Field, Roana could leverage a high-
       time, adjusting critical process parameters as well   speed system that benefited from a fast response
       as conducting predictive maintenance strategies.   time as well as an infrastructure that can be easily
       Alberto Griffini, Product Manager at Mitsubishi   modified and upgraded to address future needs.”

                           August 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p16
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