Page 21 - Industrial Technology magazine February 2021 issue
P. 21


       UK machine builders exporting to Europe
       As well as the EU 27 member states, the new trade deal
       effectively includes Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway
       (members of the European Free Trade Association, EFTA),
       plus Switzerland, which has a Mutual Recognition
       Agreement (MRA) with the EU. In addition, Turkey,
       Andorra and San Marino have Customs Union Agreements
       with the EU. Northern Ireland can also be treated the
       same way by GB machine builders, thanks to the protocol
       mentioned earlier.
         CE marking of machines destined for these markets
       continues almost exactly as before. The vital difference is
       that it is no longer acceptable to name a person in the UK
       as being authorised to compile the technical file. This is
       because the UK is no longer in the EU. The person named
       on the DoC or DoI must be established in the EEA
       (European Economic Area) and can be a person or a
         GB machine builders may have a subsidiary,
       distributor or representative willing to undertake this role
       but, if these options are not available, then a simple, quick
       and cost-effective option is the service provided by Hold
       Tech Files, based in the Republic of Ireland. Hold Tech
       Files has created a web-based service for manufacturers of
       machines, partly completed machines and safety
       components covered by the Machinery Directive. After
       signing a mandate and paying a fee (all fees are published
       on the website and there are no ‘hidden extras’), the
       relevant file can be uploaded to a secure server. Payment
       of a one-off fee entitles the manufacturer to name Hold
       Tech Files on the DoC or DoI for a period of ten years.
         Where Annex IV machinery has previously been
       conformity assessed by a Notified Body based in the UK,   in machines, partly-completed machines and machine   on 16 July 2021. The aim is to strengthen the
       the EU is no longer recognising these EC type-examination   safety components being held up at customs and failing to   requirements for market surveillance by Member States
       certificates. In most cases UK Notified Bodies have   reach customers on time.     but there are important implications for machine builders.
       already transferred accreditations to other EU-based                               The new regulation introduces requirements relating to an
       Notified Bodies. Machine builders should satisfy  Rules of origin                  ‘economic operator’ and machines cannot be placed on
       themselves that this has been done or, if not, obtain   Aside from the technical aspects of CE marking, UK-based   the market unless there is an economic operator
       certification from an EU Notified Body as a matter of   machine builders exporting to the EU now need to   established in the EU.
       urgency.                                 consider the complex rules of origin. This relates to   In addition to acting as the person authorised to
         The points outlined above are very important for UK   customs declarations and is outside the scope of this   compile Technical Files for machine builders, Hold Tech
       machine builders exporting to the EU. Because there are   present article. Nevertheless, it would be remiss not to   Files can also act as the Authorised Representative to
       no ‘CE police’, some machine builders have previously   draw machine builders’ attention to the need for them to   enable UK machine builders to comply with the need for
       taken the view that a minor non-compliance with the CE   address this issue as well.   an EU-based economic operator from 16 July 2021
       marking process would be unlikely to cause a problem.   European Regulation 2019/1020 on market   onwards.
       Now, however, incorrect documentation could easily result   surveillance and compliance of products comes into force   MORE INFORMATION:

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