P. 13
Here in Kenya, in the context of an upcoming proposed constitutional referendum by the Building Bridges Initiative, a general election set for 2022, and endless political “successor” debates. The Kenyan Twitter and newspaper wars rage on. Reminiscent of Trump’s “alternative facts” or rather White House exaggerations, the credibility of media has been under siege. Similarly, here in Kenya, there is a battle of truth. The Kenyan public is increasingly being polarised along “Dynasty and Hustler” or various other democratic deviations. As such we simply cannot agree on basic facts! Nonetheless, the role of media in contemporary politics forces us to ask ourselves what kind of society do we want to live in?
In an attempt to shift the political paradigm, we must demand one thing- that there is absolutely no privilege of say- ing that something happened without explaining who made it happen and how! This political hack is what tempts the political elite to make claims they can’t support and arguments that make no sense. Perhaps it is okay that we have arrived at this particular crisis, for a crisis, can reveal a hidden truth. That for far too long, Kenyans have behaved like mere spectators.
I propose for your consideration, that the revolution will not be tweeted! The reality is that if you tell people what they do not feel, no matter how many times, they simply won’t believe it! So, ask yourself always- are you being confused or informed?
ISSUE N. 001