Page 71 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 10
P. 71

My  questions  were  answered  patiently                  Now... If you stuck through this ramble

        and      informatively       without       being          this far... I'll tell you about the fun side!

        patronizing  to  these  silly  noobie                     He made us turn away from the shelves

        questions!  And  when  reaching  for  an                  of growing products to show us the FUN
        expensive bottle of whatever to read the                  SHELVES!!                    (nothing  illegal...

        label  (like  I  understood  *anything*  it               Just  the  toys  to  buy  to  enjoy  your

        was  saying)  ...  Was  actually  told...  This           homegrown goodness                        ) ... So
        super cheap one is better... Followed by                  many        bongs        and       pipes      and

        explaining what it is! I really appreciate                paraphernalia...

        that  type  of  service!  I'm  new  to  this,  I
        want  to  do  it  well,  speak  to  me  in  my            The best part of the shelf  was  the "not

        language  (which  apparently  is  very                    for sale" shelf.... His personal collection!!

        metaphorical  or  dumbed  -  down.  He                    (it  included  the  most  beautifully

        answered  The  Hubs  questions  however                   packaged  and  epic  Dab  Rig...  I  made  a
        all sciencey                                              point of nudging The Hub at that point

        *reading your crowd score!!                               as a hint for my bday                     ) Done

                                                                  your  groceries?  Bought  your  growing

                                                                  and  rolling  stuff?  Provided  you  bring
                                                                  your  own,  you  can  have  a  quick  puff

                                                                  before  heading  home!    The  shop  was

                                                                  quite  busy  for  a  Sunday,  and  the
                                                                  customers who came in, must be much

                                                                  like us....?

                                                                  Magic Dragon Loyalists!

                                                                  Loved the store too!!
                                                                  Magic Dragon Lynnwood Ridge
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