P. 4





                     Nowadays, many people pay attention to

      travel alone by themselves because it's an easy

      choice that we can do as immediately. Traveling

      with friends it is probably sure to get more fun, but

      it’s hard to plan the date when we can go.
      Traveling alone is another option that we might

      choose because we don’t have to lose the time for

      waiting friends. We're just making a plan, packing

      stuff and go.

                     Why do some people like to travel alone? For

      one thing, they can experience more freedom. They

      don’t need to discuss the itinerary of travel with

      others. He/she can just go whenever he/she wants.

      For another, they don’t need to keep an eye on how
      to get along with friends. 

                       Why we should travel alone? Most of our

      daily experience is confined to a finite, predictable
                                                                     Also we’ll have more fun when we lost the
      pattern of places, people, and things. When
                                                                way, we’ll be more likely to strike up
      traveling alone, it seems like we throw away our life
                                                                conversations with strangers for asking a
      for being on new places, and meeting up a new             solution. We may meet some amazing locals

                                                                or other adventurers like ourselves; either way
      world and people. We’ll get to know more about
                                                                we’re bound to make some new friends during
      ourselves such as what we are now, and what we
                                                                our journey.
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