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Chapter 01 Chapter 01 --
- -- - Chapter 01 Chapter 01 -- Introduction
This is not a History book or a Novel or an autobiography, however it is a compilation of memoirs of
my journey, which may constitute an autobiography. Each is a separate occasion that stood out in my
memory, so I chose to wrote about it.
When I look back on my life, and try to figure out what It was all about, these items pop back into
my thoughts so I guess they are memorial and notable (at least to me) so I need to write them down.
I tried to follow the course of my life and thus provide a glimpse of what and when led to where I
ended up and what drove me. It starts back at the first (like it should, I guess.) It is a good place.
- -- - Chapter 02 Chapter 02 -- Preface
Chapter 02 Chapter 02 --
I'm writing this book because I've always been able to do what I wanted to do and fix what I wanted
to fix. Now that I'm older, retired, and handicapped, some, I feel like I should write about the things I
know about and remember, and the things I fixed and more importantly try and write what the whole picture
looks like.
How do I tie the bits my life into the whole picture? It goes back to when I was doing the research
on it. It was not just a matter of writing down the things that I have done or I haven't done, but going back
to my heritage and finding out what really created the type of person that I am.
I went back as far as I could, all the way to before the Revolutionary War, to see how the characters
came to be and what happened to them. The recent research was an education and I found out many
things that I didn't know.
Join me in a little journey back to understanding what happened.
Like I said the purpose of this book is to try to put all the pieces, that are playing through my head,
into some of a cohesive travel thru the course of my life.
I wouldn't be able to do it if I didn't have the support and the encouragement of my wife Jackie and
my kids, Lynn, Daryl and Andy. They're the ones who said “look if you can't do what you used to do, do what
you can do! Tell us about yourself, you always liked to tell stories".
They were all instrumental in my preparing to start all of job.
I don't know how long it's going to take to finish the book, or if I ever will, but I know that you can't
finish it without starting it. So there are things that are very important in my life, all my circle of family and
friends, and the people that I encountered along the way. Some of the things they taught me and other
things I found out for myself.
All in all, the big question is how did my life progress? ..with a plan? or was it just attachment of one
item after another? The way it happened? I used calendars and tried to rack my memory. So come along
with me. I feel like this is an opportunity and I need to make the most of.
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