Page 31 - Anemia Hemolitica No autoinmune
P. 31

α-spectrin and the COOH-t p
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-spectrin self-association si
region of the heterodimer. S head to form spectrin tetrame membrane skeleton. Spectrin into a highly ordered two-di their distal ends, to actin olig
The contact site between opposed heterodimers is a co tive segment in which the fi COOH-terminal of β-spectri segment of α-spectrin. Spect governed by a simple thermo ologic conditions strongly fav defects are at or near the involved in the heterodimer limited tryptic peptide mappi Manifestations), and impair t ramers. Most α-spectrin muta tions create abnormal proteol in the third helix of a repetit tryptic peptides on two-di spectrin.
Elliptocytogenic β-spectrin mutations or truncations that β triple-helical repetitive s association of spectrin hetero tions open a proteolytic cleava combined repetitive segment, αβAlthough most spectrin

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