Page 13 - Weekly report 9 - 27 sept 2018
P. 13
KG 1
Recap of phonic sounds of letters Aa – Zz using flashcards.
Recap of “k” sounds and CVC words.
Recap of two and three letter words.
Recap of rhyme and story.
To arrange the story with the given pictures.
To draw, name and color favorite part of the story.
To segment and blend three letter words.
Recap of HFW: see, yes Tw: we
KG 2
Phonic sounds of letters Aa-Zz using flashcards.
Recap of diagraphs, rhymes, story .
Recap of paragraph reading.
Introduction of rhyme ‘The farmer plants the seed’.
To read “th” sound words.
To write “th” sound words.
To write a simple sentences on HFW can, look, and TW some, they.