Page 13 - Weekly report 9 - 27 sept 2018
P. 13


                            KG 1

                               Recap of phonic sounds of letters Aa – Zz using flashcards.
                               Recap of “k” sounds and CVC words.
                               Recap of two and three letter words.
                               Recap of rhyme and story.
                               To arrange the story with the given pictures.
                               To draw, name and color favorite part of the story.
                               To segment and blend three letter words.
                               Recap of HFW: see, yes Tw: we

                            KG 2

                               Phonic sounds of letters Aa-Zz using flashcards.
                               Recap of diagraphs, rhymes, story .
                               Recap of paragraph reading.
                               Introduction of rhyme ‘The farmer plants the seed’.
                               To read “th” sound words.
                               To write “th” sound words.
                               To write a simple sentences on HFW can, look, and TW some, they.
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