P. 9

Gulf Indian High School Dubai

                                             Report on Class Picnic

                                                    Grades 1 & 2

               Dubai Creek Park is a lush water side park, with a great variety of plants and trees. It is a
               delight to the eyes to see such a vast and beautiful park. Grades 1 and 2 had an opportunity
               to visit  the park. 14 December 2018, was the most awaited day for the students of grades
               1  and  2.  The  students  were  taken  to  their  picnic  destination - Creek  Park  Dubai,
               accompanied by the class teachers and other subject teachers. The children and teachers
               had lots of fun throughout the trip.

               After reaching the park, the children settled down in a comfortable shady area and had their
               snacks. Then, they went to explore the park and played in the play area, on the swings,

               slides, etc. The children had lots of fun just running, rolling or simply walking on the green
               grass. The children were very excited and had maximum jolly time with their peers, friends
               and even their teachers. Their smile and laughter filled the air with joy and happiness. After
               spending some time in the park, the children were taken to their second destination. The
               DUBAI  DOLPHINARIUM.  It  is  the  habitat  of  dolphins  and  seals  providing  an
               opportunity for the kids to see them live and interact with them. It was really a wonderful
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