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Fancy Dress Competition

               The Primary Section of Gulf Indian High School held a grand and gorgeous Fancy Dress
               Competition on 14 January, 2019 for the young students of Grade1on the theme - Nature.

               The purpose of conducting the competition was not only to blend learning with fun but also
               to develop confidence in the students by giving them an opportunity to go on stage and speak
               in front of an audience. It was the most awaited event, as it was always a pleasure to watch
               toddlers dressed up as different characters and stuttering away in their speech.

               Parents  were  invited  for  the  competition.  They dressed  up  their  wards  and  were
               overwhelmed to catch a glimpse of their little ones on stage. Most of the parents were happy
               to see their children participate enthusiastically.
               The effort of the children and the hard work of the parents behind each child are highly
               commendable. The Section Head praised the efforts of the parents and teachers in shaping
               the personality of the young students. Teachers judged the participants. It was indeed a
               fascinating event which will be etched in our memory for a very long time.
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