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Agri Food Imports Boost Port of Cork Traffic in 2018
The Port of Cork reports total traffic through both the Port of Cork and Bantry Bay Port Com-
pany reached 10.6 million tonnes in 2018, an increase of 3% compared to 2017. Total im-
ports increased by 8% while exports increased by 5%. The most growth was seen in the agri
food sector such as animal feed, fertilizers and cereals which increased by 39% over the year.
Oil traffic handled through Whitegate Oil Refinery owned by Canadian company Irving Oil saw
an increase of 4%. Total container volumes through both Tivoli and Ringaskiddy Container
Terminals grew by 6% compared to 2017 figures, with a total of 229,762 TEU’s handled in
In 2018 the Port of Cork handled 95 cruise liners bringing over 157,000 passengers and crew
to the region, while Bantry Bay Port Company welcomed 10 cruise liners to the harbour town.
Brendan Keating, Chief Executive said: ‘2018 saw the most growth in Agri food imports which
rose by 39% compared to last year. This increase will have a positive effect on the volumes
Munster can export, underpinning Ireland as a major food-exporting nation. However, ap-
proximately three quarters of exports go to markets in the UK and the EU, with the balance
going to the rest of the world. So with Brexit looming, this is an area we will be keeping a
close eye on in terms of trade agreements.’
He continued: ‘In 2018 the Port of Cork marked a major milestone with the launch of the
new €80 Million Cork Container Terminal development in Ringaskiddy, so therefore we were
particularly encouraged by the growth in container traffic with volumes through both Tivoli
and Ringaskiddy Container Terminals up by 6% compared to 2017. We also saw key growth in
our cruise business with 95 cruise ships visiting. This was the most significant cruise season
ever for the Port of Cork with over 157,000 passengers and 69,000 crews stepping ashore
this summer.’
While Brexit is drawing nearer, the Port of Cork has much to be positive about and in 2019
the Port expects to see further growth in traffic. A record 104 cruise ships are scheduled to
call which will bring over 200,000 visitors to the region. The construction of Cork Container
Terminal is underway and is envisaged to be operational by 2020, thus securing the need for
growth in the region. The new RoPax ferry service from Cork to Santander operated by Brit-
tany Ferries has reported a steady increase in the number of freight units using the route,
with hauliers choosing this route to avoid the UK land bridge option.
Michael “Bully Boy” Smith Darts Exhibition
On March 10th, in aid of Marymount Hospice, the currently ranked no 6 in the World, and this
years World finalist will play a host of players in an evening of fun and entertainment at the
Commodore Hotel. Full event details in the coming days
Cobh Museum Call for photographs
Some amazing photographs coming in for the 2019 Exhibition in Cobh Museum.
We are busy preparing our new exhibition and urgently require Cobh street photo-
graphs from the 1950’s and 1960’s. Closing date for entries is St. Valentine’s Day.
Tel. 021 4814240
Cobh Museum staff are waiting for your call Monday to Thursday 10.30 - 4.00 p.m.
Entrance to the Museum office during the winter months is by the side gate. Happy