Page 6 - Texstyles Engineering and Maintenance 2018 - ALL
P. 6



          WORK SHIRT


                        S TRIPE
                        C OLORS

             SP20GK  SHORT SLEEVE  (Reg) S-4XL, (Long) L-3XL             SP20CW  SHORT SLEEVE  (Reg) S-5XL, (Long) M-4XL
          1                                                           8
             SP10GK  LONG SLEEVE  (Reg) S-4XL, (Long) L-3XL              SP10CW  LONG SLEEVE  (Reg) S-5XL, (Long) L-3XL
             Color: Green/Khaki (GK)                                     Color: White/Charcoal (CW)

             SP20GI  SHORT SLEEVE  (Reg) S-5XL, (Long) M-4XL             SP24CR  SHORT SLEEVE  (Reg) S-4XL, (Long) L-3XL
          2                                                           9
             SP10GI  LONG SLEEVE  (Reg) S-5XL, (Long) L-3XL              SP14CR  LONG SLEEVE  (Reg) S-4XL, (Long) L-3XL
             Color: Charcoal with Blue/White (GI)                        Color: Charcoal/Red/White (CR)

             SB22BS  SHORT SLEEVE  (Reg) S-5XL, (Long) M-4XL             SL20WB  SHORT SLEEVE  (Reg) S-5XL, (Long) M-4XL
          3                                                           10
             SB12BS  LONG SLEEVE  (Reg) S-5XL, (Long) L-3XL              SL10WB  LONG SLEEVE  (Reg) S-5XL, (Long) L-3XL
             Color: Petrol Blue/Navy (BS)                                Color: Blue/White (WB)

             SP20IC  SHORT SLEEVE  (Reg) S-4XL, (Long) L-3XL             SP24RN  SHORT SLEEVE  (Reg) S-4XL, (Long) L-3XL
          4                                                           11
             SP10IC  LONG SLEEVE  (Reg) S-4XL, (Long) L-3XL              SP14RN  LONG SLEEVE  (Reg) S-4XL, (Long) L-3XL
             Color: Blue/Brown/White (IC)                                Color: Navy/Red (RN)

             SP20GW  SHORT SLEEVE  (Reg) S-4XL, (Long) L-3XL             SP20BB  SHORT SLEEVE  (Reg) S-4XL, (Long) L-3XL
          5                                                           12
             SP10GW  LONG SLEEVE  (Reg) S-4XL, (Long) L-3XL              SP10BB  LONG SLEEVE  (Reg) S-4XL, (Long) L-3XL
             Color: White/Green (GW)                                     Color: Light Blue/Navy (BB)

             SP24KN  SHORT SLEEVE  (Reg) S-4XL, (Long) L-3XL             SP24EX  SHORT SLEEVE  (Reg) S-5XL, (Long) M-4XL
          6                                                           13
             SP14KN  LONG SLEEVE  (Reg) S-4XL, (Long) L-3XL              SP14EX  LONG SLEEVE  (Reg) S-5XL, (Long) M-4XL
             Color: Khaki/Navy (KN)                                      Color: Grey/Blue (EX)

             SP20BW  SHORT SLEEVE  (Reg) S-5XL, (Long) M-4XL
             SP10BW  LONG SLEEVE  (Reg) S-5XL, (Long) L-3XL
             Color: GM Blue/White (BW)

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