Page 116 - Texstyles Outerwear 2018 - Jackets
P. 116

IL50 PANTS & SHORTS                                                                      WORK WEAR

                                                                                                                    WORK WEAR

       RED KAP                                 RED KAP  ELASTIC INSERT PANT          RED KAP  INDUSTRIAL WORK SHORT
       INDUSTRIAL WORK PANT                    PT60  Waist 27/28 – 41/42             PT26  Waist 28 – 42 
       PT20  Waist 27 – 42                     PT60  Waist 43/44 – 53/54             PT26  Waist 44 – 48 
       PT20  Waist 44 – 54                     PT60  Waist 55/56 – 59/60             All the IL50 strength of our work pant made for on-
       PT20  Waist 56 – 60                     Tested through 50 industrial launderer washes,   the-job wear and warmer weather. Tested through
       Our industrial-strength IL50 work pant has been   this IL50 pant has classic good looks and a waist   50 industrial launderer washes.
       tested through 50 industrial launderer washes, and   with elastic inserts for flex and comfort.   • 7.25-ounce, 65/35 poly/cotton twill
       the sharp, crisp look ensures employees have a   •  7.5-ounce, 65/35 poly/cotton twill with   • Jean-style waistband with button closure
       professional image.                      Touchtex  technology for superior color   •  Two front and back pockets
       •  7.5-ounce, 65/35 poly/cotton twill with Touchtex    retention, stain release and wickability  • 10-inch inseam
         technology for superior color retention, stain   • Side elastic insert      Colors: Navy, Charcoal
         release and wickability               •  Two front and back pockets         WAIST SIZES: 28"–37",
       •  Jean-style waistband with button closure  Colors: Navy, Charcoal, Black    EVEN WAIST SIZES: 38"–48"
       •  Two front and back pockets           WAIST SIZES: 27/28"–59/60"
       Colors: Khaki, Spruce Green, Navy, Charcoal,  INSEAM:  30"–34" (EVEN)
       Brown, Black                                   (36", 37" UNHEMMED)‡
       WAIST SIZES: 27"–34"
       EVEN WAIST SIZES: 36"–60"
       INSEAM:   28"–34"(36", 37" UNHEMMED,    STAIN
               40" UNHEMMED NAVY ONLY)‡        RELEAS E
        RELEAS E
                                               ‡Not all inseam lengths available in every waist size.
                                                     Please inquire for availability.
                                 KHAKI  SPRUCE GREEN  NAVY     CHARCOAL    BROWN      BLACK

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