Page 36 - Issue 2_2018
P. 36

Futurity Critique 2018                              Sweepstakes Critique 2018

                          Judge Jane Tenor                                      Judge Sally Yancey
        I was pleased to have the opportunity to judge the ATCA futurity and   First of all, I would like to say what an honor is was to judge such a nice
        want to thank those breeders who nominated their bitches, litters and   entry of Australian Terriers at your National Specialty on May 26th in
        individual dog entries.  This is the showcase for breeders to present   Fletcher, NC.
        the future of the breed and I would like to encourage all breeders to
        consider this venue and grow the futurity.             I found the quality to be very nice and the presentation was very
        My overall impression of the entries was the temperament on all of the
        exhibits was good.  All the youngsters behaved well on the table and   In the 6 and under 9 Months Puppy Dog, I found a very nice little boy
        did very well in the large ring they were being shown in.  The heads   that shows a lot of promise for the future, Santa Ryba Bluemoon
        had the correct 1:1 ratio with the slight but definite stop and flat top   Hugo owned by Bachman & Popovits & Schreeder. So nice to see a
        skull called for in the standard. Most had correct dark eyes, oval in   good one at that age.
        shape with black rims.  All had correct scissors bites.  Ears were small in
        size and most had correct width between.  The side profiles gave the   9 to 12 Months Puppy Dog went to Roachan’s Hedge Fund King
        appearance of body length and keel. The hands on  revealed that most   owned by Ann & Gayle Roache.  Nice movement with a good jacket
        had fore chest  and something behind the tail.         and nice topline.

        Junior 6-12 Month  Dog                                 Junior 12 & Under 18 Months Puppy Dog was also, my Best of
        1. CH Ryba’s A Day At The Races, a promising red youngster with a   Opposite, Samabel Luv That Augie At Marblearch owned by Patricia
        good body profile and solid topline.  Well balanced in proportions with   Zupan & Claudia Coleman & Alexa Samarotto.  This dog was in very
        good fore chest and butt.  In good coat and condition.  Best mover on   good  condition with a proper jacket and and nice shoulder and good
        go around in class and contender for best  dog in futurity.  movement.  He was very much a typey Australian Terrier.
        2. Ryba’s A Night At The Opera,  another red youngster with good body
        profile and correct head. Topline a little softer than 1st place dog.  6 and Under 9 Months Puppy Bitches first place was awarded to
        3. Roachan’s Hedge Fund King,  a bl/t  boy very well conditioned  and   Christhill Paisley Bluquo, owned by Rita Farmer & Susan Mason.  This
        shown with nice length of neck and good flow into shoulder.  Had a   little bitch caught my eye from the moment I saw her.  She would
        harsh jacket and tight feet. A little heavy in skull for me.  Would like a   go on to be Best in Sweeps.  A nice package with good balance and
        little more leg under him for balance.                 already portraying such breed type.  What a future for her.
        4. Santan Ryba Blue Moon Hugo, a promising red  with nice fore chest
        and butt.  Well  balanced with correct head and small ears.  A little   9 & Under 12 Months Puppy Bitch offered up very nice puppy,
        softer in expression and just not moving out as well today.  Dreamtime Serendipity, owned by Chuck Bessant & Marilyn Y Harban
                                                               & Deborah Wolbach.  This was a class filled with nice puppies.  This
        Intermediate 12-18 month dog                           bitch won the prize of the best attributes.
        1. Samabel Luv That Augie At Marblearch, a bl/t boy, with a nice head
        and keen expression and came into the ring very sure of himself (good   Junior 12 & Under 18 Months Bitches found a very nice bitch
        Aussie spirit.)  He was well conditioned and in good coat.  Had topknot   that was in fabulous condition and presented a balanced picture.
        lighter in color and good coat texture.  Nice profile and body propor-  Nice shoulder flowing into a good topline.  Temora Livin’La Vida Loca
        tions.  Move out well.  Awarded Best Dog In Futurity.  owned by Julie Seaton, Jennifer Sousa & Vickie McKee took the honors.
                                                               All the bitches in this class were very nice.
        Junior 6-12 Month Bitch
        1. The Farm’s Spirit of Rock And Roll, a lovely red bitch with good   Veterans 7 Year & Under went to CH Dunham Lake Moon Dreams,
        substance and correct body profile.  She presented a nice topline and
        balanced head and was able to move out nicely on the go around. Was   owned by Luisa Bustamante & Theresa Goiffon who was also Best
        in good condition and well presented. Awarded Best Bitch in Futurity.  Veteran in Sweeps.  He was in lovely condition with his coat expertly
        2.  CH Dragonfly’s Proud Mary, a nice bl/t bitch with good length of   worked.  He never took a wrong step.  A joy to watch.
        neck and  a good jacket.  Had the desirable fore chest and butt. A little
        softer in topline today than 1st place winner,  A promising youngster.  Veterans 10 Years & Over Dogs was a very typed GCHB Dream-
        3. Redsky Full Throttle, a nice red girl with good  substance, a length of   time’s Latin Lover, owned by Rita Farmer and Marilyn Harban.   This
        neck and a firm level topline.  Nice tight feet. A little short on topknot   older guy was in great shape for his age and seemed to love what he
        at this stage and not moving out as well today.        was doing.  In very nice. Coat and was balanced and a good mover.
        4. Blue Moon Struts Her Stuff, A nice bl/t with good Aussie spirit. Nice
        dark eye and small ears.  Had fore chest and butt.  Promising youngster
        but topline needs to settle in a bit.

        Intermediate 12-18 Month Bitch
        1. Samabel Stella D’Oro, a nicely proportioned red bitch who was able
        to move out on go around.  Nice level topline and correct tail set.
        2. Johmanda’s LiarLiar Pants On Fire, a bl/t girl with good expression
        and a nice small dark oval eye.  Nice coat texture.  Topline a little off

        Best Dog In Futurity:    Samabel Luv That Augie At Marblearch
        Best Bitch In Futurity:   The Farm’s Spirit of Rock And Roll
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