Page 68 - Issue 2_2018
P. 68

        CH Auseret Bodacious                                      Therapy Dog Program
        Breeder:  Teresa Cleland
        Owner: Teresa Cleland
        Ryba’s Mytime For Serenity CD BN RE                     The moment a volunteer with a therapy dog walks into a room, you
        Breeder:  Susan Bachman & Teresa Schreeder              can instantly feel a change in mood. All eyes focus on them, as smiles
        Owner: Cynthia Cooper & Sherry Cooper                   spread across everyone’s faces. Therapy dogs are NOT service dogs.
        RALLY NOVICE                                            Service dogs are dogs who are specifically trained to perform a task or
        GCH CH Aka Inu Witchblade Red Sonja RN CGC              tasks to assist a person with a disability or impairment. A service dog
        Breeder:  K Occhiuti & M Gray & S Boyd                  must be with their person at all times and has special access privileges
                                                                in public places.
        Owner: Dana Dean
        MASTER GOLD AGILITY                                     Therapy Dog is an AKC program which recognizes the necessary
        MACH Abq Kacy Christhill MXG MJC XF                     therapy work performed by dogs through accepted organizations
        Breeder:  Kreg Hill & William Christensen               based on the number of visits. Therapy work involves volunteers who
        Owner: Elizabeth Hiller                                 schedule visits to various facilities and locations such a nursing homes,
        RALLY ADVANCED                                          classrooms, libraries, assisted living centers, hospices, funeral homes,
        Dunham Lake Brilliant Star Of Nova RA CGC TKP           schools, shelters even courtrooms.
        Breeder: T Goiffon & E Goiffon & L Goiffon
        Owner: Cynthia Petti                                    Whether they’re working with a child who is learning to read, visiting
        COURSING ABILITY ADVANCED                               a patient in a hospital or a senior in assisted living, therapy dogs and
                                                                their owners work together as a team to improve the lives of other
        Roachan’s Blue Mustang CAA                              people. A dog can provide a valuable sense of reassurance, joy, or
        Breeder:Ann Roache & Eva Campbell                       calmness to people experiencing stressful, lonely or depressing situa-
        Owner: Ann Roache & Gayle Roache                        tions or general times in their life.
        Ryba’s Mytime For Serenity CD BN RE CGC                 The first step to enrolling in the program is to have your dog trained
        Breeder:  Susan Bachman & Teresa Schreeder              and certified by a qualified therapy dog organization. Then, start
        Owner: Cynthia Cooper & Sherry Cooper                   keeping a record of your visits, for which you can use the Therapy Dog
        AVANCED CANINE GOOD CITIZEN                             Record of Visits Sheet. Just make sure you understand what consti-
        Dreamweaver’s Northern Lights CD RAE CA CGCA            tutes a visit:
        Breeder: Lisa Weaver
        Owner: Dana Dean                                        A visit is one-day per facility/agency.
        Dreamweaver’s Northern Lights CD RAE CA CGC TKN         For a single facility: As an example, if you see multiple clients over a 2
                                                                hour time period on the same day, that is one visit. [In a hospital, you
        Breeder: Lisa Weaver                                    visit Mr. Jones, Ms. Smith, Mr. Roberts, Ms. White, this is one visit, not 4
        Owner: Dana Dean                                        visits].

                                                                For each day/date at a facility, no matter how many clients one sees,
                                                                this counts as 1 visit. If you take a break and return to the same facility
                                                                on the same day, this counts as one visit.
                                                                For multiple facilities: Example: You do therapy work on your day off.
                                                                In the morning, you go to an assisted living facility. You take your dog
                                                                home at lunch to rest. In the afternoon, you go to a school. THIS IS 2
                                                                visits, no matter how many clients you saw per facility.

                                                                Earning a therapy dog title is rooted in the number of visits made: The
                                                                more visits you make, the more titles you can earn:

                                                                •   AKC Therapy Dog Novice (THDN) – Must have completed 10 visits.

                                                                •   AKC Therapy Dog (THD) – Must have completed 50 visits.
                                                                •   AKC Therapy Dog Advanced (THDA) – Must have completed 100

                                                                •   AKC Therapy Dog Excellent (THDX)- Must have completed 200

                                                                •   AKC Therapy Dog Distinguished (THDD) – Must have completed
                                                                   400 visits.

                                                                Reprinted with Permission 2018
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