Page 25 - Issue 3_2018
P. 25

We decided to rent the pool for an hour and brought in Jacqui’s   Two weeks later, on a hot and humid Friday evening in June, we went
        golden retrievers one June afternoon. The Golden’s did magic as they   to watch our teachers as they were entered into the Air Retrieval (AR)
        love dock diving and the water. We just kept throwing the toys in and   event on a Friday in June, two weeks later. Before the event began
        Banjo was so caught up in the excitement he jumped off the dock   the event was allowing any teams (owners and their dog) to practice
        without hesitating! There was so much praise and treats as he exited   or see if they were interested. Banjo jumped off the dock with extra
        the pool. He “got it!”  We closed off the Golden’s to the lower dock and   excitement. We went to see the administrator, of the event, to ask if
        threw a toy in the pool and Banjo, thinking the Golden’s were going   they had any jumping spots available for the weekend as they were
        after the toy, raced off the dock to retrieve it. His first solo jump!   full online. Yes - there was one jump spot available on Saturday and
                                                                four available on Sunday!
        Banjo, at a standing jump, can reach 48+” high.  We had to teach Banjo
        to jump out instead of up.  This was an easy game to dangle a toy and   Banjo was flying high at the NADD/AKC Dock Diving - Firecracker
        he would run and jump catching the toy as I let it drop.  Banjo has   2018 - event held at the Chestnut Hill’s Canine Sports, in Alpharetta,
        such strong back leg muscles; he was jumping over 6’6” from a stand   GA, qualifying on all five (5) of his jumps!  By jumping all five jumps
        still at the edge of the dock.  Our next goal was to have him run and   over 9’ (he averaged 9’-8”) this placed him in the Senior Division of Lap
        jump off the dock without hesitation. This is where his love of his ten-  Dogs.  His personal best of the weekend was 10’-3!”  Banjo received his
        nis ball toy comes into play. We tried all sorts of toys, elongated toys,   DS (Dock Senior) Title and we are current awaiting AKC acknowledge-
        toys with ropes, even some very expensive toys.  Then we tried just his   ment.
        tennis ball . . . that was it! No hesitation and he would be so excited
        exiting the pool we could get him to go again, right away.   We are looking forward to qualifying for the Nationals, which will be
                                                                held in Orlando along with other AKC events, in December. We are
                                                                excited to hear there are several other Australian Terriers, in training
                                                                to jump.  In the future we hope to see more Australian Terriers on the
                                                                For more information on ways to qualify and earn an invite to the
                                                                NADD Nationals see the following link:

                                                                North America Diving Dogs website
                                                                The American Kennel Club website:
                                                                Photo credits:
                                                                Connie Fore - T & C Pet Photograph

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