Page 103 - JordonPortfolio1
P. 103
18 Interior Furniture Sea�ng
Experiement | Learning By Making | Degree | Semester 4 | UTAS University
The objec�ve of this assessment task When ready, we use the laser
is to understand the ergonomic cu�er to produce an accurate
requirements for sea�ng and differ- 1:5 card model of the designed
ent sea�ng types. This will involve seat. Undertake analysis of the
both the ergonomic study, design and model before revising and
making of a seat. A team of two is to adjus�ng the seat as neces-
design a prototype of your designat- sary. Once completed, we
ed sea�ng type responding to its were required to produce a
ergonomic requirements. fabricated seat if able to.
We pay par�cular a�en�on to ergo- Sustainable design will be con-
nomics and consider the situa�on the sidered in the context of
seat is intended for by record the making in the workshop which
dimensions of the seat, paying a�en- includes minimizing waste,
�on to the height, depth, width and considera�on of environmen-
angle of the sea�ng planes, so that tal creden�als in the schedule
we can refer to this informa�on when development, and the selec-
developing our own design. �on of materials and finishes
for the joinery design and doc-
Using the chair cage to test and umenta�on.
record the ergonomic profile of the
seat. Plot the major points of the seat
using the rods panels supplied to
form the basis of the ergonomic
profile. A�er we`re sa�sfied with the
profile, we begin to develop the chair
in Rhino.