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P. 114

21  Joinery Drawings Document

                      Furniture | Detail Drawing | Degree | Semester 4 | UTAS University

                      The objec�ve of this assessment task            The  material  strategy  used  in  this
                      is  to  design  and  generate  construc-        project are recycled material, local-
                      �on/documenta�on  drawings  of  a               ly sourced (Tasmania). The product
                      joinery  piece  for  a  restaurant.  All        capable     to    “feed”    technical
                      drawings  are  appropriately  annotat-          systems. Any material that cannot
                      ed  and  dimensioned.  Comments                 be processed by biological systems
                      about  how  sustainability  has  been           is  assessed  for  its  capacity  to  be
                      considered has been provided in the             processed as a resource in systems
                      �tle block (refer to suppor�ng infor-           of  human  ar�fice  (“Technical
                      ma�on  document),  as  well  as  in             Organisms”).  In  homology  to
                      drawing annota�ons. these drawings              biological nutrients, technical nutri-
   113                are to show the construc�on of your             ents  are  catabolized  (deconstruc-
                      joinery element.
                                                                      �on) and anabolized (construc�on)
                                                                      according  to  the  following  hierar-
                                                                      chy: (Dismantle and) Reuse or (Dis-
                      Depending on the joinery design, the            mantle  and)  Physical  transforma-
                      task required to draw more than one             �on (e.g. plas�c remolding).
                      sec�on or eleva�on to communicate
                      how to build your piece and what the
                      finished elements look like. Carefully
                      selected  where  the  sec�ons  taken
                      through  the  joinery  element  was
                      implemented as the table has a com-
                      plex structure.
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