Page 136 - JordonPortfolio1
P. 136
The Event
The exihibi�on is to show case
the Final year Diploma and
Final year Degree work. Venue
of the event was held at Jaya
One Event Hall, Petaling Jaya.
The exihibi�on was open for
two days straight (6th August
2016 & 7th August 2016)
Conjunc�on with our exhibi-
�on, we have organised a
series of lectures to broaden
your understanding and
knowledge towards this
crea�ve industry. There will be
5 different lectures running
throughout our exhibi�on, [3]
on 6th August 2016 (Satur-
day); [2] on 7th August 2016
(Sunday), each at a par�cular
session. These lectures will be
running simultaneously with
our on-going exhibi�on.
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