Page 18 - JordonPortfolio1
P. 18

03  Revival Theatre

                          Studio | Degree | Year 3 | Semester 6 | UTAS University

                          Designing a hotel requires the success-         The designs will include recep-
                          ful integra�on of a variety of services         �on,a       restaurant       and
                          and  ac�vi�es,  including  as  well             café,laundry     and    cleaning
                          as the guest rooms, retail, restaurants,        services andsome retail includ-

      017                 bars,  conference  facili�es,  offices,           ing  the  reduced  Neil  Pi�’s
                          carparks  and  guest  facili�es  such           menswear store and as well as
                          as  gyms  and  swimming  pools.  As  a          the hotel bedrooms.
                          business  that  is  also  a  hospitality
                          service, ameni�es must cater for and            Since the building was once a
                          indulge the guests providing a unique           theatre then a menswear and
                          and  sa�sfying  experience,  whilst  also       now a hotel, so the theme for
                          returning  a  profit.  As  such,  part           the hotel is the revival of the
                          of  the  objec�ve  for  this  assessment        theatre  where  the  concept
                          task will be to comply to a budget and          used  the  old  theatre  to  give
                          address  the  business  proposi�ons             guest  and  visitors  the  experi-
                          for  the  hotel  to  provide  a  profitable      ence  within  the  hotel.  I  used
                          b     u    s    i   n    e     s    s   .       the  Royal  Colour  Scheme  to
                          For this hypothe�cal project, Neil Pi�’s        represent  how  important  this
                          menswear Store (the Old Majes�c The-            building was as it is a heritage
                          atre)        in       Brisbane         St       building with lots of history.
                          Launceston, has decided to significant-
                          ly  reduce  their  menswear  store  and
                          develop  an  inner  city  hotel  in
                          Launceston,  by  using  the  Neil  Pi�’s
                          building with the adjoining building in
                          the  Old  Brisbane  Arcade,  which
                          was once itself a hotel - the Brisbane
                          H        o       t       e       l      .
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