Page 96 - JordonPortfolio1
P. 96
17 Principles of Construc�on Detailing
Detail Drawing | Hand Drawing| Degree | Semester 3 | UTAS University
We were required to visit a building In addi�on, under no circum-
or space on the Inveresk Campus and stances should we trace,
to develop a thorough understanding re-draw or re-dra� your draw-
of part of its structure, construc�on, ings from scratch to �dy them
materials and components. While at up. The tutors expect to see
the building or space we are asked to the drawings I have produced
produce freehand orthogonal draw- while on site. They expect that
ings of the construc�on details that these drawings will have a
you consider to be of interest and/or rough quality as befits for our
importance to the aesthe�cs of the level of experience.
095 architecture and/or interior design.
The drawings include joints between
materials, construc�on systems and
assemblies, the way the building
touches the ground, corners where
materials and surfaces meet, thin
edges and fine lines in the construc-
�on assembly, points of integra�on
between the building envelope and
structure, structure and interior, or
building envelope and Interior, mate-
rial and structural details that explore
translucency and opacity, details that
explore porosity and impermeability,
strategies for keeping water out of
the building, strategies for shedding
and collec�ng water.