Page 31 - Luce 2020
P. 31
C ouncil R eflections
Reflections from members of JCH Council
I recall the moment I decided to reach Boards and management teams I lived in JCH from 1983 to 1985, after
out to JCH with my expression of throughout the world were tested in moving from a very small country
interest to join Council. It followed some 2020 due to the numerous challenges town in NE Victoria to undertake a
23 years after I had last walked through created by the emergence of COVID-19. Science degree at Melbourne Uni. I can
the College doors after attending an Janet Clarke Hall College Council was remember the day my dad and I caught
Alumni Networking event in the JCR. no exception. It is times like these the train to Melbourne for the Open Day
when boards rely on having a diversity in 1982 to come and tour the colleges.
Whilst I knew that evening would of expertise, open dialogue and JCH struck me as a small, manageable
spark a little nostalgia, what I had not relationships based on trust to facilitate and caring community. JCH was my first
contemplated was the encouragement good decision-making. choice, even though my older brother
and pride I would feel from being again lived in another college. My brother,
immersed in this community. As the As a relatively recent member of Duncan, moved to JCH in my second
evening progressed, I observed student Council, joining one year prior to the year – the food was, and continues to
after student enquire in earnest and emergence of COVID in Australia, it be, much better!
then listen with interest to the stories was terrific to see how management,
of alumni and speakers, and the paths led by Dr Powell, responded to these More than 30 years after leaving JCH, I
they had taken post-university to make challenges. It was also pleasing to see joined the JCH Council and the Finance
their mark on, and bring positivity and the way that College Council rallied and Investment Committee. Having
change to the world. The thirst of each behind the management team as we all been on the outside looking in, then on
student that evening was clear, and their grappled with how to best support the the inside looking out – and now back
passion forced me to consider, ‘What health, safety, wellbeing and financial on the outside again looking in – I am
could I offer? How could I play a part needs of residents and staff during a happy to say that sense of community I
in helping these exceptional students in difficult and uncertain time. first enjoyed as a resident has remained
this wonderful community to thrive?’ strong through the years, despite the
As a General Manager in charge changing perspectives.
It was with this purpose, fuelled by of Health, Safety & Wellbeing and
the inspiration of the JCH students that Facilities Management for a large, My first year on Council and F&I
evening and my own desire to pay it diverse business that includes hotels meant coming through that front door
forward and contribute to organisations and resorts, I was familiar with many of once more, often with a guide dog
that have positively shaped me, that my the practical challenges posed by Janet puppy in training with me (my other
role on Council and the Finance and Clarke Hall continuing to operate during volunteer gig). I have benefited from the
Investment Committee began. a pandemic. I soon came to appreciate experience of other Council members
that residential colleges faced some who have been on the Council much
Looking back over the past two years, additional unique challenges beyond longer than I have, who come from very
being a member of the F&I Committee those I had encountered professionally. different industries and professions and
is where I personally feel I have been offer different perspectives, yet I also
able to contribute most and bring my I spent time with staff discussing aspects feel I have been able to contribute in my
professional and commercial experience of JCH’s COVIDSafe plan and felt own way.
to JCH. Tasked to facilitate the short confident that the relevant risks had
and long term financial stability of the been identified and that suitable controls My second year on Council coincided
College, as a Committee our focus is were in place. Contingency plans were with the start of COVID-19. I did not
on issues such as the College’s financial available in the event of a positive test physically walk through the front door,
performance; how funds are allocated; result to anyone on-site. Importantly, and may not even do that in 2021,
matters relating to financial technology, there was excellent engagement with but feel incredibly proud to be able
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