Page 5 - Luce 2017
P. 5

M ay Dunn Scholarships

                              Madeline        (science, technology, engineering and   other benefits that college life would
                              Mitchell        mathematics) and how we can best use   provide.
                                              science for a more sustainable, food-
                                              secure world.                     I arrived from interstate without
                              Please tell us                                    knowing anyone, yet I instantly felt at
                              what you were   In February 2018, I will be travelling to   home at JCH. I was surrounded by like-
                              studying at the                                   minded people with similar ambitions
                              University of   Antarctica with 80 other women with   in a supportive, caring community.
                                              scientific backgrounds as part of the
                              Melbourne and                                     This environment has been crucial
                              how/why you     Homeward Bound leadership initiative.
            originally came to be resident at JCH.   This program will run every year for   in enabling me to reach my goals,
                                                                                both academically and personally. I
            How did being in College influence   ten years with the aim of creating a   could not have asked for more from a
                                              network of 1000 women around the
            you/your experience of University?
                                              world who can take up positions of   college. Moreover, JCH has given me
                                              leadership to help shape policy around   many opportunities to challenge myself
            I applied to JCH in the hope that I would                           and make the most of my university
            be joining a community of like-minds. I   the sustainability of our planet.  experience.
                                              Without the support, encouragement
            grew up in Bendigo so I was interested
            in the academic and social support   and positive feedback from friends,   The extra support that I have received as
                                              role models and mentors from JCH, I
            provided by the residential colleges.                               a member of a college has been essential
            I thought a smaller, more academic   can’t imagine that I would have had the   in keeping me on track and allowing
                                              courage to apply to Cambridge and so
            college would suit me – and it did!                                 me to reach my potential. In 2017 I was
            I loved JCH for the intellectual and social   much has followed from that. In recent   elected as the Student Club President
                                              years, I have been pleased to be able to
            stimulation as well as the lovely old red                           and through this role I have gained a lot
            brick building. I studied Arts/Science   mentor people myself by encouraging   more confidence and wisdom for which
                                              and supporting others to apply for
            as a Melbourne National Scholar and                                 I will be forever grateful.
            was fortunate to receive a May Dunn   opportunities such as Cambridge/
                                              Oxford and Homeward Bound.
            Scholarship in my second year.
                                                                                What did receiving the May Dunn
                                              Reflecting on your time at JCH, have   Scholarship mean for you?
            What did receiving the May Dunn
            Scholarship mean for you?         you any advice for students entering
                                              JCH for the first time?           The May Dunn Scholarship was of great
                                                                                assistance to both me and my family as
            The May Dunn Scholarship represented   Take up the opportunities on offer,   it has allowed me to continue my JCH
            a pleasing acknowledgement of my                                    journey and give back to the community.
            academic results as well as giving me   including being open to friendship   In 2017 I made it my goal to contribute
                                              and mentoring. Don’t be afraid to ask
            more time to devote to my studies and                               to college life and to make the most of
            extra-curricular activities at JCH such   questions, to ask for advice, support and   my time at JCH. I have participated in
                                              specific feedback about how to realise
            as sport and the College play. It also                              rowing, choir, the oratory competition,
            contributed to my having the luxury   your dreams. And when you can, pay it   intercollegiate pool and table tennis
            of spending many evenings in deep                                   and much more! I was both proud
            discussion with friends over tea and Tim               Sasha        and humbled to have been awarded a
            Tams. I am still close friends with several                         May Dunn Scholarship and it was very
            people from my JCH days and I credit                 Greenaway      important for me to participate and do
            some of the tutors (Leng Lee, Alice Pung,
            James Watson and Lauren Rickards) with               Please tell us   my best to live up to the values that the
                                                                                College saw in me.
            my decision to continue on to a PhD.                 what you were
                                                                 studying at the
            Please tell us about your post-JCH                   University of    Reflecting on your time at JCH, have
                                                                                you any advice for students entering
            activities.                                          Melbourne  and
                                                                 how/why you    JCH for the first time?
            In 2010, armed with a reference from   originally came to be resident at JCH.   The greatest advice I can offer new
            Dr Powell and encouraged by mentors   How did being in College influence you/
            from JCH, I won a scholarship to   your experience of University?   students is to go outside your comfort
                                                                                zone and get involved. It can be difficult
            Cambridge to undertake a PhD in plant
            sciences. I found another intellectual   In 2017 I completed my second year of a   at first but the friendships and memories
                                                                                you will make will last with you for a
            home in Cambridge, enjoyed yet more   Bachelor of Arts majoring in Russian, and
            college dinners and became captain   Spanish and Latin American Studies. The   lifetime.
            of the University gymnastics club and   strength of the language program is what
            Women’s/Families’ Officer of my College   drew me to the University but I found   I can resolutely say that JCH has changed
                                                                                me for the better and I will leave College
            MCR (Middle Combination Room).    choosing a college a lot more difficult.
                                                                                a lot more self-assured and mature than
            I returned to Australia in 2015 to take   From my research I could tell that Janet   when I arrived. I am very grateful to the
            up a postdoctoral fellowship at CSIRO   Clarke Hall had a very strong academic   College for inspiring me to achieve and
                                                                                giving me every opportunity to succeed,
            in Canberra where I continue to   reputation which is why it became my
            develop my interests in plant molecular   first preference. However, before arriving   both at university and beyond.
            physiology, gender equity in STEM   at JCH in 2016, I was unaware of the   (continued overleaf)

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