Page 31 - Luce 2021
P. 31

S tudent  Voice

            high school, it was a big change to be   I know for a fact that my passion for   but I hope somewhere not too far away.
            constantly surrounded by people, let   these subjects wouldn’t be as strong
            alone people my own age.          as they are without all her patience   What advice would you give to school
                                              and encouragement throughout the   students facing challenging personal
            Despite all the change though, I   years. Further, she introduced me to   circumstances who dream of a
            absolutely loved it! I thought that I   and encouraged me to fall in love with   university education and a meaningful
            would visit home each week but that   the arts! You don’t get many science   career?
            definitely didn’t end up happening since   students who have done more arts
            I was so busy. Of course, as COVID   subjects (philosophy and politics) than   I would say, ‘Don’t be scared. Give it a
            came around in later years I didn’t end   science subjects (biology, physics,   go!’ I’ve met a lot of people who have
            up going out as much (or at all) but   chemistry), yet I probably have done   avoided university because they’re
            still being around so many friends was   enough to almost qualify for an arts   afraid that it isn’t for them or that they’re
            unbelievably amazing.             degree. I’m so grateful to have had her   just not sure what they want to do.
                                              pull me out from being a science student   The reality is that no one is really sure
            Can you nominate any individuals or   closed off from the social world to now   about what they want to do – we’re
            experiences that you feel have had a   having arts as a central part of my life.   all just winging it. I didn’t really know
            significant influence on you and your   We’ve been dating for almost three years   what doing a maths degree would be
            outlook on life?                  now.                              like until I did it, and some of my peers
                                                                                are working towards completing their
            Of course, without a doubt, the   Looking ahead, what are your career   three-year bachelor’s degree in hopes of
            individual who influenced me the   aspirations?                     getting into a law degree or a medicine
            most was my first-year Manifold                                     degree without even knowing if they’ll
            wing neighbour and now girlfriend   My dream is to become an academic   like it once they’re in.
            Susan. I met Susan in first year and   in the field of Pure Mathematics. In
            we started dating a couple of months   particular, I am interested in a field of   At university the journey is the most
            later. I remember coming home from   mathematics called ‘Group Theory’   important and enjoyable part, so don’t
            University every night and hoping that   which investigates the concept of   stress too much about what will come
            her door was open so we could chat   symmetry and how we can develop   from it – I promise that you will enjoy it.
            all about what we had learnt during the   mathematical tools to better understand
            day. Even though she wasn’t super-  how objects are symmetrical. I will   If you had to summarise your approach
            duper interested in mathematics and   begin my master’s degree next year   to life in just three words, what would
            philosophy, she’d listen to me waffle   at the University of Melbourne and   those words be?
            about ethics and numbers and whatever   following that my PhD somewhere in the
            else I was thinking about at the time.   world – I haven’t thought that far ahead   Smile, relax, persist!

            Intercollegiate Rowing Regatta 2021

            In her own inimitable fashion,    mascot suit, like his own personal vinyl   their bands of colour (representing their
            JCH student Brigitte Shill, recalls   sauna, unable to make the internal fan   colleges). 
            the challenges and joys of the 2021   work. And I do remember the rush of
            Intercollegiate Rowing Regatta.   joy looking around and knowing that   I admit that my most enduring memory
                                              I belong to this vibrant intercollegiate   is the feeling of pride to be a member of
            Janet Clarke Hall has a proud tradition of   community: two and a half thousand   the JCH tribe, small in number but huge
            colliding with things in the intercollegiate  aspirational young adults cheering on   in enthusiasm, who cheered for us as
            rowing competition.               the Yarra bank, most of them wearing   their heroes on that day.

            In 2019, the women’s eight hit the Swan
            Street Bridge. After all, if you’re not
            going to win, at least be memorable.
            I was the women’s cox in 2021 and,
            although I missed the bridge, I did
            manage a direct hit on the Queen’s
            College boat. They were in our lane, so
            not my fault really, though we had no
            cox box and hadn’t quite mastered our
            rhythm. We rocked our new wetsuit-
            leotard fusions and placed a very
            respectable second … in our heat.

            We don’t have to talk about
            where we placed in the final.
            I’m sure I don’t remember. But I do
            remember Luke Franz sweating in his

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