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Fro m The Interim  P rincipal

            From the Interim Principal

                                        Coming out of COVID:    other long-standing colleagues – has led me to reflect on
                                        2022, a year to        what sustains Heads, Deputies and Deans in these complex
                                        remember               and sometimes isolated roles. The support of colleagues who
                                                               become friends is a big part of the answer.
                                        It was a genuine privilege
                                        to lead the Janet Clarke   In September we said goodbye to Genevieve Leach who had
                                        Hall community as      filled the role of Acting Deputy Principal for several months.
                                        Interim Principal. I am   I was grateful for the support, collegiality and good sense
                                        most grateful to the staff,   Genevieve brought to this role. Having previously worked
                                        students and Council for   together at another college I was reminded again about how
                                        their support in what was   important it is to work with colleagues whom you know
                                        a rich and varied year.   and trust.
                                        There have been joys and
                                        sorrows but, unlike the   The tutor team, four of whom were new to JCH at the
            previous two years, there was a great deal of normal College   commencement of the year, have been wonderful role models
            activity. I sincerely appreciate all of the JCH students who   and mentors to students and have such an important role
            contributed to the life of the College through their academic,   to play in creating the caring and academically supportive
            musical and sporting activities during the year.   community that we prize.

            Leadership throughout COVID and beyond has required   At Valedictory Dinner, and more recently, we have farewelled
            courage. According to the Harvard Business School, the five   many longstanding members of the College community.
            characteristics of courageous leadership are: authenticity,   Resident and musician, Josh Hooke, has left us after ten
            resilience, emotional intelligence, self-discipline, and   years. Having completed his PhD, Josh will be travelling to
            commitment to purpose. These are characteristics I continue   the United Kingdom and Europe to further his career through
            to develop in myself and encourage my staff and students to   concert performances and further study. We look forward to
            develop. Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor,   his returning to perform at JCH in the not-too-distant future.
            consultant Josh Farr was contracted to run a number of
            leadership training courses, encouraging our student leaders   Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion
            to stay true to their values and bring an attitude of service   (CUAC)
            to their roles. It has been most gratifying to see students   During the July mid-year break, JCH hosted a special lunch
            requesting further sessions, having been positively impacted   for eight members of the executive committee of CUAC,
            and inspired by this training.                     including the General Secretary Rev’d Canon Dr Jamie
                                                               Callaway from Trinity Church Wall Street (New York City) and
            Commencement                                       Rev’d Canon Dr Bob Derrenbacker, Dean of the Theological
            Despite a tentative start to the year with our first cases of   School at Trinity College. The luncheon and meetings which
            COVID in the College appearing during Welcome Week,   followed were an opportunity for the committee to meet
            2022 was a year of renewed connection and celebration.   with staff at JCH and tour the College, in preparation for the
            Many events and activities are described in the pages that   Triennial Conference to be hosted jointly by Trinity and JCH
            follow but there are a few that I would like to mention here.   in July 2023 when we will welcome guests from the Anglican
                                                               community across the world.
            The year opened with a Welcome to Country and Smoking
            Ceremony conducted by Uncle Bill Nicholson in the   In summary
            redeveloped courtyard garden as it neared completion, thanks   It was a year of friendship, farewells, food, fun, and the all-
            to the generous donation of Dr Margaret Harper (Lush 1962).   important freedom to participate in normal activities once
            In May the garden was officially opened, with the former   again. In contrast to the ‘social atrophy’ identified by Dr Alice
            Principal, Dr Damian Powell, returning to share the excitement   Chen, the ‘need to be connected to one another’ is more
            with Margaret, her family and several JCH alumnae who have   easily met in the close-knit community of JCH, where it is
            been her friends since College days.               unusual to be lonely.
            A scholarship awards afternoon tea was held on 28 May   In September we welcomed the new Principal, Dr Eleanor
            which some of our benefactors were able to attend and many   Spencer-Regan and her family to Australia and to the Janet
            students had the opportunity to meet and thank their donors   Clarke Hall community. I am looking forward to working
            in person.                                         with Eleanor to continue to encourage the growth and
                                                               development of JCH students, staff and the wider JCH
            Farewells                                          community whilst creating an environment where young
            The year began and ended with a number of significant   people can thrive in the post-COVID world.
                                                               Margie Welsford
            On 25 June we formally farewelled Damian and his family   Interim Principal (February - September 2022)
            and thanked them all for their commitment to JCH over the   Deputy Principal
            20 years of Damian’s leadership. Farewelling Damian – and

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