Page 9 - Luce 2013
P. 9

From the Vice-Principal

            From the


            2013 saw a great expansion in the Senior
            Common Room at Janet Clarke Hall.
            With support of Council, we welcomed
            five new tutors to the established team of
            Xavier Cadoral (Senior Duty Tutor), Fiona
            Cadorel, Jack Tan, Julia Lai Kwon and
            Paul Peng. We were proud to appoint two
            JCH alumnae; Julia Hastings, music tutor
            and recipient of a number of scholarships
            including the May Dunn Scholarship
            at Janet Clarke Hall in 2011 and 2012,   Mrs Davies visits Oxford   SCR members gather on the river bank
            and Dr Jenny Tran, resident doctor at St
            Vincent’s hospital and the recipient of an   Katherine St John, Freddy Woodhouse   being among the first women to obtain a
            Australia-at-Large Rhodes Scholarship.   and Lucilla Ronai to join returning William   leading professional position, or achieve
                                              Angliss Scholar Erin Mathews. In addition,   that which has never been accomplished
            Our newest and youngest member of the   the College continued to offer a small   by someone of their gender.
            team Abhi Ganugapati arrived on our   number of students the opportunity to join
            shores from New Zealand and quickly   our successful non-resident programme.   Our Open Day in August saw record
            adapted to College life, tutoring students in   Towards the end of 2013, we sadly said   numbers come through the doors of the
            engineering and establishing himself as a   farewell and good luck to our chef,   College which translated to large numbers
            skilled cricketer, soccer player and theatre   Sam Colligan. Sam’s lovely personality   of applications for 2014. In addition, the
            sports performer. In addition Dr Catherine   and exceptional food will be fondly   College also hosted career practitioners
            Hart and Jamie Hart joined us from the   remembered. Two new staff members   the following day as part of the University
            UK. Catherine, a clinical psychologist and   joined us; our new chef Rob Redfern and   of Melbourne Open Day programme.
            Jamie, a sports scientist, added wonderful   new Librarian, Julia Ulyannikova. Rob
            vitality and support to the tutor team.   and Julia settled themselves very quickly   Our students continued to impress with
            Catherine tutored our psychology students   into their respective roles and we are very   another year of outstanding results; 39% of
            and Jamie was appointed as our first   grateful for their professional approach in   our students received First Class Honours
            Sports Mentor. Jamie assisted students   meeting the needs of our students in the   and 88% of all subjects were of an
            with training and well-being programmes   vital areas of food and learning resources.   Honours Grade.
            whilst mentoring our Student Club Sports
            Representatives.                  In the middle of the year, I took the   In addition we enjoyed sporting success
                                              opportunity to travel to the UK and in   with the women’s swim team, we were
            We were also delighted to welcome Mr   particular to Oxford. I greatly enjoyed   amazed to be awarded second place in
            Nick Cadle into the Senior Common as the   touring the individual colleges and was   the Intercollegiate Arts Competition and
            husband of our Artist-in-Residence, Alice   fortunate to stay at St Hugh’s College in   winner of the ‘Vampire Cup’ for the largest
            Pung. We also continued our association   Oxford. St Hugh’s shares a number of   number of blood donations per capita.
            with Dr Anna Goldsworthy through   similarities with JCH; founded in 1886 as a
            musical performances throughout the year,   women’s college, the education provided   In summary, I am very proud to be a part
            including the Port Fairy Music Festival   by St Hugh’s encouraged the students   of the Janet Clarke Hall community. A
            Launch and the JCH end of year concert.    to have academic and professional   place where students continue to impress,
                                              aspirations that were not limited by their   outperform and shine.
            Our Graduate students added a wonderful   gender. As in the case of St Hugh’s, Janet
            dimension to our Senior Common Room   Clarke Hall students have continued to   Mrs Donna Davies
            and we warmly welcomed new members,   challenge convention, in some instances   Vice-Principal

            Donna Davies, Virginia Glenn and    O Week Murder Mystery - Jack Tan, Catherine Hart, Abhi Ganugapati, Julia Lai Kwon,
            Joy Freier                         Jamie Hart, Paul Peng, Xavier Cadorel, Julia Hastings, Fiona Cadorel, Jenny Tran

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