Page 15 - Luce 2016
P. 15

Student Reflections

                                                                                at our
                                                                                2015 Valedictory

                                                                                Chapel Service

             Imogen and Tricia                                                  ‘A lot has changed in
                                                                                my life over the past
            Cheese Society hosted a wine and cheese                             three years, but the
            tasting which was a great success and   Elly Jackson                support of College
            many a formal dinner following this event                           has remained a
            saw students swirling and peering into                              constant. It became
            their glasses with renewed interest. Mid-                           the place where
            winter Dinner, as with Commencement                                 I found my voice
 Harvey Pascoe (centre) leads the charge in men’s hockey  Dinner, was a great way to start the   and a true sense of my own strength.
            semester and was made even better this                              I began to feel less intimidated by the
            year by the Junior Common Room finally                              amazing individuals who surrounded
            beating the Senior Common Room in                                   me, and I learned to be inspired. I can
            the Ethel Bage Memorial Debate. Our                                 now confidently approach a dinner
            Artist-in-Residence Alice Pung gave                                 conversation unafraid of my own
            thought provoking insights into her novel                           opinions.’
            Laurinda at the annual Literature Dinner.
            Wintersong saw JCH and Medley’s artistic                            Susan Skinner
            talents displayed in the Dining Hall for                            2014 Female Sports Representative
            the second consecutive year and will                                First in Family Scholar
            hopefully continue to be a long-standing
            event in the JCH calendar.                                          ‘Never before
                                                                                had I witnessed
            The Social Services Committee ran the                               such an incredible
            blood donation drive, Vampire Shield,                               community. One
            and encouraged people all around the   Shani, Susan, Toni, Elise    where students,
            colleges to compete to make the most                                tutors and staff were
            donations per capita. Due to another                                all driven by not
            year of success, JCH will run the Vampire                           only their passions
            Shield again next year. This year the                               and interests but also a desire to create
            Executive, with our focus on approaching                            meaningful change. It allowed me to
            University and College life with a                                  so deeply understand myself. It helped
            balanced perspective, promoted ‘Mindful                             me identify what my core values were,
            May’ and encouraged the JCH community                               what inspired me, and what could keep
            to take some time out of the busy year to                           me motivated into the challenging future
            practise mindfulness.                                               we face. These last two years have been
                                                                                the most profound I have undergone.
            JCH’s greatest strength is that the                                 I cannot be more thankful that I spent
            culture of acceptance and community                                 those at Janet Clarke Hall.’
            in a supportive environment allows
            everyone to flourish and to grow. Looking                           Rob Snelling
            ahead with the changes that the higher                              Student Club Vice-President
            education sector will undoubtedly   Avatars at IP Dip               Chair of Council’s Scholar
            experience, JCH will thrive by continuing
            to offer its students the quality experience   Elise, Tom and Toni
            of living in a real community which
            fosters academic excellence, leadership
            and individual talents.

            It has been an honour to have been a part
            of JCH and to have had the opportunity
            to give back to the community which has
            taught me so much.

            Elise Labuschagne
            2015 Student Club President
            May Dunn Scholar
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