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例 2:ERIC 研究報告
Stensmo, Christer. (1995). Classroom Management Styles in Context: Two
Case Studies. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED388644). 例 3:NASA 研究報告
Eppler, R., & Somers, D. M. (1980). A Computer Program for the Design and Analysis of Low-Speed Airfoils. (NASA TM 80210).
 指出下列書目中,箭頭所指之資料所代表的意義,如:研究者、研究報告名稱、 研究機構及編號、出版者、出版地及出版年等。
Perry, W. G. (1968). Patterns of development in thought and values of students in a liberal arts college. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No.ED024315).
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