Page 73 - Tampa Bay Rays 2022 Flipbook
P. 73

Flexible Spending Accounts

                                                             What to know and how to use them

             What’s Reimbursable?
             Sometimes we have to require certain documentation or confirm a few details of
             your plan with you —  it’s all in the best interest of you and your organization. Our   Reimbursable with a Letter,
             commitment to doing things well and doing things right ensures that both you   continued
             and your employer are protected. Below are some examples of common types of    Orthopedic shoes (not mass-
             expenses reimbursable by your Medical/Dental/Vision Flexible Spending Account,
                                                                                            Vitamins & nutritional
             based on Internal Revenue Code 213(d). These types of expenses are reimbursable   supplements (only if
             when incurred by you, as well as by your spouse and eligible dependents, even if   recommended by a doctor for a
             they are not enrolled in your employer’s insurance coverage. There are many other   specific medical condition)
             eligible expenses - find more at, or call us to discuss.         Weight loss to treat existing

                                        Dental                    Reimbursable with a Letter    OTC Drugs and Medicines:
             Insurance deductibles, copays,                       of Medical Necessity      Prescription no longer
             and coinsurance            Orthodontia (special rules apply
                                        – see     The following items may be   Required
             Office visits, diagnostic tests,                       reimbursable if accompanied
             and surgical procedures (non-  Exams, cleanings, x-rays  by a note from a doctor   New! Thanks to the CARES Act,
             cosmetic)                  Fillings, caps, crowns, bridges   recommending the item to treat   passed on 3/27/20, over-the-
                                                                                            counter drugs and medicines
             Prescription drugs         Dentures                  a specific medical condition.   purchased in 2020 and beyond no
                                                                  Other special rules may apply.
             Birth control/contraception                                                    longer require a prescription for
                                                                  Please see  for   FSA reimbursement. You will soon
             Hearing aids and batteries                           more information.         be able to use your ProBenefits
             Insulin and diabetic test   Vision                   Cord blood/embryo/egg/sperm   debit card to purchase these
             supplies                   Eye exams                 storage                   items, and you may submit
                                                                                            reimbursement claims for them
             Addiction treatment, including   Contact lenses and care   Home improvements for
             smoking cessation programs  supplies                 medical conditions        through the mobile app or web
                                                                                            portal at any time.
             Care, special education, and   Glasses               Massage
             supplies for persons with                                                      Acid control medication
             disabilities               Laser eye surgery         Nutritionist              (Prevacid, Prilosec, Zantac, etc.)
             Durable medical supplies such                                                  Acne treatment
             as crutches, wheelchairs, and
             bandages                                                                       Allergy medication (Zyrtec,
                                        Not Reimbursable                                    Claritin, etc.)
             Transportation expenses for                          Marriage counseling
             medical services           Here are some common examples     Missed appointment fees   Antacids (Tums, etc.)
                                        of ineligible expenses:                             Anti-itch medication
             Diagnostic devices such as                           Personal hygiene products
             blood pressure monitors    Cosmetic surgery (unless   Spa fees                 Cold medication
             Orthotics/orthopedic shoe   restorative)             Teeth whitening           Cough drops
             inserts                    Finance charges
                                                                  Toothbrushes              Nicotine patches or gum
             Specialist services, including   Food                                          Pain relievers (Advil, Tylenol,
             psychologists/psychiatrists,   Imported drugs (Canada, Mexico)   Toothpaste    etc.)
             physical therapy, chiropractors,                     Warranties (including extended
             and acupuncture            Insurance premiums for    eyeglasses or corrective lens   Sleep aid medication
                                        individual policies
             New in 2020:  Menstrual care                         warranties, such as Eyewear   Stomach remedies
             products                   Long-term care expenses   Protection Plans)         (Pepto-Bismol, etc.)
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