Page 23 - University of the South-2022-Benefit Guide REVISED 3.30.22 FSA WAIT PERIOD
P. 23


        Vacation Leave                                           Sick Leave
        Full-time non-exempt hourly staff members receive        Staff members accrue sick leave at the rate of one
        vacation on the following schedule:                      day for each calendar month up to a maximum of
                                                                 40 days. Staff members with academic year (or nine
          0-3 years: accrue 13 days/year                        months/1,560 hours) appointments or staff members
          3-5 years: accrue 15 days/ year                       who work more than half-time, but less than full-time,
          5-8 years: accrue 18 days/year                        accrue sick leave on a prorated basis.
          8-12 years: accrue 20 days/year
          +12 years: accrue 25 days/year                        Sick leave may be used to cover absences due to
                                                                 illness, injury, or required medical examination of
        Part-time non-exempt staff members, who regularly        a staff member or a staff member’s child, spouse,
        work 20 or more hours per week, receive vacation         or parent. Sick leave may also be used to make
        hours in direct proportion to the hours worked.          arrangements for and attend the funeral of a member
                                                                 of one’s immediate family (see Staff Handbook).
        Full-time exempt and non-exempt salaried staff members
        who have full-year appointments receive 25 work days     Holidays
        of vacation per year. Part-time exempt and non-exempt
        salaried staff members who have full-year appointments   The University observes the following as holidays:
        and who work an equivalent of at least one-half time,      New Year’s Day
        receive vacation in proportion to the time worked.         Spring Holiday (last Friday in Spring Break)
                                                                   Memorial Day
        Vacation for non-exempt staff members accrues              Juneteenth
        biweekly and vacation for exempt staff members             Independence Day
        accrues monthly.                                           Thanksgiving Day and the day following Thanksgiving
                                                                   Christmas Day and at least two other designated days
        Because the University believes that individuals should
        take vacation for their own welfare, vacation must be    In lieu of Labor Day, any eligible staff member may
        taken within 24 months after being earned. This means    take a floating holiday on or after Labor Day and
        that accrued vacation is limited to the amount of        before June 30, provided that the staff member was
        vacation a staff member accrues in two years. Any        hired prior to Labor Day. All staff members receive the
        vacation accrual over that limit will be lost. Upon      same holidays; however, only staff members with a
        resignation or retirement, staff members are paid for    regular or a term appointment of one academic year,
        accrued but unused vacation up to a maximum amount       and who are working, on vacation, on sick leave, or an
        of one year’s vacation accrual.                          approved absence the day prior to the holiday are paid
                                                                 for the time off.

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