Page 2 - Microsoft Word - hindi noting.docx
P. 2


         above given                                              ,
         above mentioned

         above noted
                                                                    !" 	 !#  $% &'
         above resolution be published in the gazette of
         India                                                    (! )! $*

         above said

         a  brief note is placed below                             +, -. -/0#  1

         a brief summary of the case is placed below              &&# !   -/0#  1

         abstract of teller’s receipt                             2! !3  / !

         acceded to                                               4/! )! 2

         acceptable proposal                                      4/! (4

         acceptance in principle                                   56 7  # 4/! 8 9

         acceptance is awaited                                    4/! 8 9 !3 (/, 1

         accepted for payment                                     	2- !#  * 4/! 8

         accepted on trial basis                                  :, !#  ;  4/! 8

         accepted provisionally                                   -9& 7  # 4/! 8

         accepted stores                                          4/! 8   &-

         accord approval to                                       ! 8 ... !. -&. !'

         (=accord sanction to…)                                   ! 8 ... !. &$= !'/&$=: #

         accordingly                                              -

         according to the rules in vogue                          (0 9-&. !#  -

         according to                                             !#  -

         according to bijak cost works out to… at the             ?/$! !#  -  ?@  !#  ,  ?
         market rate                                               # 2..... ?1A/ 1

         according to convenience                                  B;-

         accountancy expenses                                     #!

         accounting of stores                                      &- ! #!, 4. #!

         accumulated balance                                       C0 #D

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