Page 24 - Microsoft Word - hindi noting.docx
P. 24


                                                                     J  &&# &' 2# !K !- !A-
         it is difficult to proceed with the case

         it is obvious that                                           4h 1 )!

         it is requested                                              9-#- 1 9-#- 1

         it is suggested                                               ƒ  $ 1,  ƒ 1

         it may further be added                                      	/ ?- C0 .2,  M :

         it is highly objectionable                                   ? : Q$-! 1
         it will be construed                                        J !  M  &ƒ $*2

         just below                                                  AŠ! -/0#

         justification for the proposal                              (4 ! YC0Q

         justification has been accepted                             YC0Q 4/! !  2 1

         just now                                                    	/

         keep in abeyance                                            (4MC2 -, &"/ -

         keeping in view                                             !. g- &' # *
         keep in touch                                                !  &' -, ? -

         keep pending                                                n?  $*

         keep with the file                                          HJ !#   M */'

         kindly expedite disposal                                    ! 8  /L 9-- !'

         kindly instruct further                                     ! 8  -# ', ! 8  2#  '

         kindly review the case                                      ! 8  &&#  -B0 !'

         kinds of documents                                          4#$W !#  (!

         knock down price                                            -/&/ !3&

         knowingly and unlawfully                                    $-?=ƒ! Y 1; 7  #

         laboratory specimen                                         (.2 -&=-

         laid down in                                                &' 9-;

         laid on the table                                            -

         last in first out (LIFO)                                    9& !-(M& $!

         last pay certificate                                        9& #- (&%

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