Page 32 - Microsoft Word - hindi noting.docx
P. 32


         order communicated                                          # 	#$  2

         ordered also that it be published in the Gazette             	/ #  $ 1 )! J #
         of India                                                 	 !#  $% &' (! )! $*

         order may be issued                                         # $: !  $*

         orders are solicited                                        ! 8  # '
                                                                     6M -!#  H !K !3
         otherwise action will be taken against him

         out and out                                                 = 7  #

         out of date                                                 -, 2C;!
                                                                     ?, 0= -:,  n?2N/  &' ,
         out of order

         out of stock                                                4w! &' -:

         out of turn                                                 n?- ?:

         out of turn allotment                                       n?- ?: -

         outstanding bill                                            ?! n?

         outstanding cases                                           B[# &&#, ?! &&#

         outward journey                                             ?% %

         overall position                                             &P 4M9

         owing to                                                    !#  !

         paid annual leave                                            #- BD! [  }/

         paper for disposal                                          9--# !#  * !2$

         paper under consideration (P.U.C)                           B0;/- !2$

         parliamentary affairs                                         : !

         parliamentary committee                                       :  &9

         parliamentary democracy                                       : .!%

         partial modification in the case                            J  &&# &' ! .;-

         part time employment                                        !! .$2

         passed for payment                                          	2- !#  *   )!

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