Page 10 - Reedley Exponent 11-29-18 E-edition
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Senior Center NEWS
TheReedleyExponent B2Thursday,November29,2018
Community CAlENDAR
To submit an entry, send information to or fax to 559-638-5021.
Senior Trip to Duarte Poin- settia Farm & Hilmar Cheese Factory.
The Duarte Poinsettia Farm trip has been cancelled. We will contacting those that paid for trip to begin re- funds. Sorry for the inconve- nience this may cause.
Chukchansi Casino
The next trip to Chuk- chansi Casino will be on Fri- day, December 14. Cost is $17 which includes $10 e-cash and $5 towards lunch with photo ID. Come to the Phil Hud- son Senior Room weekdays from 9-12 to pay and sign-up. Pay by check or Money Order to The City of Reedley.
December Birthdays
Join us on Wednesday, De- cember 6th to celebrate the birthday babies and anniver- saries. Call 637-4207 between 9-11 am on Tuesday, December 5th toreserveyourlunch.
Blood Pressure
Seniors may have their blood pressure and weight checked on the first Wednes- day of every month (Decem- ber5) from 10-11 am at the Se- nior Center. Thank you Golden Living Center for providing this free service to our seniors.
Prom Pictures
Come by the Senior Center Monday – Friday 9-10:30 am to pick-up your prom picture
Café Bistro / Billiards
Bring a friend and enjoy a fresh cup of coffee and Danish and play a game of pool.
Monday through Friday at 9a.m. at the Senior Center.
Lunch at the Senior Center
A used-book sale will be held on Saturday, December 1, at the Reedley Branch Li- brary.
Lots of books will be on sale including a lot of Christ- mas books, cook books, chil- dren’s books, and westerns. audio-visual items will be on sale too. The sale will begin at 9:30 a.m. and go through 1:30 p.m.
Meals taste so much bet- ter when you can enjoy them in the com- pany of oth-
Join us in
the Phil
Hudson Se-
nior Room at the Community Center weekdays at 11:00 am (except holidays) for a nutri- tious lunch and good time.
This program is par- tially funded by the Fresno- Madera Area Agency on Ag- ing. If you are 60 or older, a suggested donation of $2.00 is appreciated, however, not required. Reservations by 11:00 am the weekday before you plan to attend. Call 637- 4207 for your reservation today.
Senores Y Senoras
La Cuidad de Reedley les invita a visitar y participar en los programas de personas mayores. En el edificio del centro de la comunidad hay un cuarto especial para ust- edes. Si tienen preguntas y necesitan informacion y asis- tencia les podremos ayudar de 9:30-11:30 am los dias de lunes a viernes Please note: if you may know a Spanish speaking person please pass this information on to them and encourage them to join us for lunch daily at 11 am. We are a Spanish speaking friendly center.
They can call the cen- ter and ask for Christina. Thank you!
The last hour buyers may buy a bag for $5 to fill. The Friends of the Reedley Library sponsor this special book sale and they also have an on-going book sale inside the library. The Friends thank all those who donate books. All sales benefit the Reedley Library.
The library is located at 1027 E Street, directly be- hind the Post Office.
Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Celebrate Recovery. Re- deemer's Church. Details: (559) 859-8942.
First Monday of the month. 6:45 p.m. St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Daughters Court: Our Lady of Grace #2637. At St. Anthony of Pad- ua Catholic Church, 1018 N. Frankwood Ave. Rosary is at 6:45 p.m.; the meetings begin at 7 p.m. For more details, please check the church's regular bulletin.
Second Tuesday of the month, 2 p.m. Caregiver Support Group. In the Com- munity Room at the Palm Village Retirement Com- munity, 703 W. Herbert Ave. This meeting gives caregiv- ers of a family member or friend with memory loss a time to meet for mutual emotional, educational and social support. Details: call (559) 638-6933.
Second Tuesday of the month, 6 p.m. The Blossom Trail A’s meets at Bristol Ranch (formerly Brooks Ranch), 1620 E. Manning Ave, for dinner and meeting. New members are welcome. You don't have to own a Model A to join. For more details, call Jerry Eitzen at (559) 638-8222.
Second Friday of the month, 9:30 a.m. Parkinson's Support Group. Palm Village Community Room, 703 W. Herbert Ave. Open to anyone with Parkinson's disease and/ or their caregivers. For de- tails, call (559) 638-6933 and ask for Norma Froese.
Third Thursday of the month, 10:30 a.m. The Friends of the Library at the Reedley Library, 1027 E St. New mem- bers are welcome. For more details, call (559) 638-6476.
Dec. 4 - The Book Group at the Reedley Library will read a book written by Meg
Wolitzer, who will be one of the speakers at the on-com- ing Reedley College Speaker Series. We'll be discussing The Female Persuasion. We meet the first Tuesday of De- cember, December 4, at 10:30 am in the library. On the first Tuesday in January we'll read One Summer; America by Bill Bryson. It is about a long-ago summer.
Dec. 1 -Used book sale at Reedley Branch Library.
A used-book sale will be held on Saturday, December 1, at the Reedley Branch Li- brary, weather permitting. Lots of books will be on sale including a lot of Christmas books, cook books, children’s books, and westerns. audio-vi- sual items will be on sale too.
The sale will begin at 9:30 through 1:30. The last hour buyers may buy a bag for $5 to fill.
Continued from page B1
initially chosen was too close to a power line. We hadn't seen the power line and now they are afraid to cut the tree down and risk getting electro- cuted, so for safety concerns, we are going with an alter- nate tree."
Oh wow, that was unex- pected. After Erik left the office, I received his text few hours later. "The tree is here," he wrote. I grabbed my camera and rushed outside to snap some photos.
The tree was lying on a large flatbed, and it took an army of workers to, first of all, cut the trunk down to size so it would fit into the man- hole, and then it was hoisted on a crane and carefully set in place. The entire process from when the tree was cut to when it was stood up was an all day job. I decided to live stream the entire event, and just happened to run into ABC 30 morning anchor, Tony Cabrera and his two kids, Co- zette and Anthony.
We chatted for a while, I snapped a pic of the kids and continued to watch the tree being positioned into place.
As I was live streaming I noticed some viewers mak-
The Friends of the Reed- ley Library sponsor this spe- cial book sale and they also have an on-going book sale inside the library.
The Friends thank all those who donate books. All sales benefit the Reedley Library, and it is the goal of the Friends of the Reedley Li- brary to have a larger library with meeting rooms.
The library is located at 1027 E Street, directly behind the Post Office.
Dec 6 - Electrical Farm Equipment Parade at 7 p.m. Photos with Santa will be taken after the parade. Bring a new unwrapped toy for Cen- tral Valley Toy Drive. (Spon- sered by Les Schwab and KMPH Fox 26)
ing comments about how small the tree was but they were staying positive. None- theless, saying that no matter what tree graces downtown Reedley, it's the thought that counts.
I attended the tree light- ing ceremony a few days later and everyone who at- tended the ceremony was ex- tremely pleased with the way it all turned out. So sometimes things don't go as planned, but we make the best of it and en- joy the holiday anyway. And thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make this all happen.
Also this week, I spoke with Tom Fritz. Tom is the conductor for the Norman Zech Reedley College Orches- tra. They will be having a free Christmas concert on Monday, Dec. 3. Tom said they are re- ally excited about having ev- eryone come out and listen to the variety of talented musi- cians and singers they have.
Now that the holiday sea- son has officially kicked off, I want to wish everyone a won- derful season, make the most of the time with family, cher- ish all the memories you cre- ate, and remember sometimes things don't go as planned but whatever the case, there is al- ways something to be thank- ful for.
Saturday, Dec. 1st, 2018 • 10am-4pm 1105 J St., Reedley
BBQ Spareribs & 1/4 Roast Chicken
FREE GiFt WRappinG availablE!
FREE DELIVERY 8pc & Disposal of Old Item
Refrigerator or 30” Range
Gas or Electric
Must bring ad in for
Bernie Bibb 50 years experience
1620 E. Manning • Reedley
Start at $ 495
(Includes Full Mattress Set) 20 Sq. Yards
No Sales Tax!
Chest Of Drawers 4 Drawer $79
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$ 299
Bedroom Set
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Memory Foam Pocket Coil Set
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Christina Ontiveros
ABOVE: Workers used a chainsaw to cut the tree trunk down to size. ABOVE: Anthony and Cozette Cabrera watched the tree being put up in downtown Reedley on Nov. 21.
Something for Everyone...
Friends Holiday Boutique
Join us in the First Friends Craft Extravaganza. Each of our talents are many. Crocheted items beautifully done to sport items for the sport enthusiast, also beautiful  oral arrangements expertly crafted, to yummy baked goods, jelly and jams to the best salsa. Also jewelry and more jewelry, plus so much more. Come and browse our many craft delights and have a cup of hot cider with us. Mark your calendar.
Monday - Friday till 4 p.m.
199 Queen 299 Queen
Full 549 King
799 399 King 499 King
Start at
Recliners Ashley
$179 Lift Recliners
Start at $ 499
Queen 599 $ $
Sofa or Love Seat
Mattress Sets Euro Pillow Top $$
99 Twin $$$
176 NORTH ‘L’ STREET • DINUBA • 595-9800
Juanita Adame / The Exponent
Served with
BBQ beans or fries. soup or salad
& dessert
95 12
Served with baked potatoe, hot veggies, cheese toast & dessert
2 for $25 Small
95 14
Where Good Country Cooking Happens Every Day!
Monday thru Friday 5 a.m.- 11 a.m.
Breakfast Specials
Hamburger, Fries & Drink $7
Served from 3 p.m. - 9 p.m.
14 Oz. Bone-In New York Steak

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