Page 15 - Reedley Exponent 4-26-18 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent B7 Thursday, April 26, 2018 Youth & Education
St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
Serve the
Community Day Immanuel will have our
Serve the Community Day on Friday, April 27, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Our kinder- garten through 12th grade students will serve the city of Reedley and surrounding communities. They are will be assigned to clean-up and beautification projects.
These events allow our students to serve in a tan- gible way that glorifies God (Matthew 5:16). Go Eagles!
Open House
Our Open House will be on Saturday, April 28. Festivi- ties will begin at 3 p.m. This is a community event. Please plan to attend.
Here is the schedule:
• 3-6 p.m. – Blood drive in the Immanuel High park- ing lot
• 3-4 p.m. – Power Puff football on the junior high green area
• 5 p.m. – Experience Im- manuel with “Celebrating Milestones” in the Chapel
• 6-7:30 p.m. – Barbecue dinner at the campus green and North Gym
• 6-7:30 p.m. – Open House; kindergarten to sixth grades in their classrooms; grades 7-12 in the South Gym
• 6-7:30 p.m. Bounce houses at the elementary school green space; face painting in the gazebo.
High School Updates
On Thursday, April 26,
Continued from page B1
award presentation.
In addition, she was hon-
ored with the Educator of the Year Award at the Greater Reedley Chamber of Com- merce Awards Dinner, held Feb. 24 at Reedley College.
• RC Experience Expo – Despite the rain, approxi- mately 400 people partici- pated in the Experience Expo in the Reedley College cafeteria.
“Congratulations” to El- lyce Parento-Garcia and Karina Guzman and their staff for putting on such a fantastic event. It drew 62 organizations that shared in- formation with our students about job opportunities, in- ternships and more.
Guests included repre- sentatives from the U.S. Ar- my, Bee Sweet Citrus, KFSN ABC 30, the Community Food Bank, and the California Highway Patrol.
• Residence Hall – On March 15, the Residence Hall hosted an Alcohol Screening and “Mock-Tail” Social pre- sented by the Health Ser- vices and Psychological Ser- vices departments.
About 48 Residence Hall
boys golf will compete in the CSL Mini 18 Hole at River Island Country Club in Por- terville; tee time is 1 p.m.
On Friday, April 27, boys tennis will play in the CSL finals at the Immanuel High Sports Complex; match time to be announced.
Also on April 27, boys baseball will play Selma High in Selma; JV plays at 4 p.m. and the varsity plays at 7 p.m.
And, on April 27, coed track will compete in the Dinuba Invitational; events start at 2 p.m.
Finally, on April 27, girls softball will play Kingsburg High at the Immanuel sports complex; JV plays at 4 p.m. and varsity plays at 7 p.m.
For a complete list of high school sports, go online to immanuelsports.bigteams. com/ or visit our website at and click on “athletics.”
• Spiritual Emphasis Week will be May 1-4. Chapel will be held daily for the sev- enth- through 12th-grade stu- dents. Pastor Angulus Wilson of Fresno Pacific University will deliver the message.
• The FFA chapter will have qualifying teams from Friday, May 4, to Sunday, May 6, participating in the State FFA Finals at Cal Poly- San Luis Obispo.
Junior High Updates
The junior high baseball and softball teams will play on Thursday, April 26, at the Immanuel sports complex
students were screened and given information about alco- hol awareness.
• Tiger ROmP – The 2018 edition of Tiger ROmP was another huge hit.
The event was held on March 22.
More than 1,000 students competed in 20 student com- petitions. Ten schools that are involved in the Valley Re- gional Occupational program participated. The schools were from Reedley, Orange Cove, Sanger, Selma, Dinuba, Orosi, Corcoran, Kingsburg, Parlier and also Reedley Mid- dle College High School.
Reedley College facul- ty hosted the ROP student competitions and received numerous compliments for the hospitality. State Center Community College District Trustees Ron Nishinaka of Reedley and John Leal at- tended and presented student medals to winning students.
Selma High won first place in the Large School division, while Orange Cove captured the Small School division title.
The 20 competition ar- eas were Criminology Ob- stacle Course, Crime Scene Investigation, Child Devel- opment, Certified Nursing Assistant, Engineering, Ro- botics, Sports Medicine, Au- tomotive, Aviation, Culinary
against Monson-Sultana; game times are at 3 p.m.
The coed track team will compete on Saturday, April 28, in the Fresno Relay Meet at Sanger High School; events begin at 9 a.m.
Terra Nova testing will be conducted on Wednesday, May 2, for the seventh grade students.
Elementary Updates
Our students are gearing up for our Serve the Commu- nity Day on Friday, April 27. They will put their servants’ hearts to work within the sur- rounding community.
Also, this week, our sixth grade students will present in Chapel and talk about their trip to Hume Lake.
Next week, elementary students will be participating in Terra Nova testing, April 30-May 4.
Please pray for rest and alert minds for our students.
Have a great week!
Enroll Your Student
Are you looking for a change in your child’s edu- cation? Consider Immanuel Schools.
Enrollment packets are available in the district of- fice, 1128 S. Reed Ave. in Reedley.
Or visit us online at im- to down- load the information or schedule a tour.
Call us at (559) 638-2529, ext. 7101, for more informa- tion about Immanuel Schools, where the difference is life changing.
Skills, Entrepreneurship, Fire Fighting, Job Interview, Medical Terminology, Micro- soft Word Formatting, Skills USA, Video Game Design, Video Production, Welding, and Wildland Fire Fighting.
The Reedley College equestrian team took eighth place at the IHSA Western Semifinals held in Hamburg, N.Y.
Results were Class 16 – Jordan Miles, Reining, eighth place; Class 15 – Jor- dan Miles, Open Horseman- ship, eighth place; Class 14 – Jessie Miles, Advanced Horsemanship, seventh place; Class 13 – Samantha Redinbaugh, Novice Horse- manship, eighth place; Class 12 – Katie Walker, Interme- diate Horsemanship, seventh place; Class 11 – Alisen Bur- gin, Beginner Horseman- ship, fifth place.
Individual results were Jordan Miles, fifth overall in Reining and seventh overall in Open Horsemanship.
In other news, the SCCCD trustees in March approved purchasing a little more than 30 acres in Oakhurst for the new site of the Oakhurst Community College Center. The cost was $1,822,500.
Registration is Open
Let your child grow with us at St. La Salle, where we be- lieve a Catholic school educa- tion is the most important gift you will give your child.
We have spots available in preschool, and we’re taking registration for all students.
We foster knowledge, faith and service in our students at St. La Salle, where students can explore many life paths. We want students to use their God-given talents to the full- est later in life, to serve the church and community and make the world a better place.
Call us at (559) 638-2621 to schedule a visit. You also can go online to stlasallereedley. org for more information.
Reasons to Choose
a Catholic Education
We are a proud Catholic
school. Here are 12 reasons to choose a Catholic school for your child:
1, We offer an education that combines Catholic faith and teachings with academic excellence; 2, We partner with parents in the faith formation of their children; 3, We set high standards for student achievement and help them succeed; 4, We provide a bal- anced academic curriculum that integrates faith, culture and life.
5, We use technology ef- fectively to enhance educa- tion; 6, We instill in students the value of service to others; 7, We teach children respect of self and others; 8, We em- phasize moral development and self-discipline.
9, We prepare students to be productive citizens and
Continued from page B1
encourage youngsters to em- brace education.
“I think student achieve- ment and the arts are equally linked,” he said. “They’re very a dual part of our lives. I feel if we can engage them through the arts, they’ll come to school. And, when they’re here, then they achieve.”
What’s more, exposure to the arts provides “access and opportunities for kids to see what’s our there and to know what makes them passionate and what they can achieve in their lives,” Loomis said. “It’s very important.”
Oltjenbruns added that “what sparks someone to have a connection to school might be these extra curricular [ac- tivities], might be these other interests.”
She and Loomis have pre- vious experience working together on presenting big- scale events. In 2016, they teamed up to help bring “El Bracero” – a production that blends opera with mariachi music and folklorico dancing – to KCUSD. The event, held at Orange Cove High School, also featured other activities,
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future leaders; 10, We have a 99 percent high school gradu- ation rate, and 85 percent of our graduates go to college; 11, We cultivate a faculty and staff who are dedicated, car- ing and effective; and 12, We provide a safe and welcoming environment for all.
First Communion
We extend our congratu- lations to our St. La Salle stu- dents who will receive their First Communion on Saturday, April 28, at 10 a.m. at the new St. Anthony’s Catholic Church.
The students are: Isaiah Adame, Victoria Alanis, Land- on Almendarez, Diego Avalos, Jayden Cabello, Mia Echever- ria, Holly Flood, Matthew Gal- van, Aaliyah Gonzalez, Isaiah Gonzalez.
Isbella Hernandez, Khloe Iniguez Padilla, Jordan Juarez, Kurt Kuykendall, Julie Marceleno, Cody Mariscal, El- liana Martinez, Noah Medina, Ace Murillo, Ella Nino, Ma- leah Ortega.
Abel Padilla, Adrian Pa- dilla, Aniyah Padilla, Julieta Ramos, Jonathan Renteria, Megan Reyes, Natalia Ruiz, Rocio Ruiz, Marisa Sanchez, Mikayla Sandoval, Sofia Tre- vino, Andrew Viveros, Mary Ybarra.
Please support St. La Salle School when you make a purchase at Save Mart. At the checkout stand, just enter the numbers (559) 638-1916 on the keypad. This automati- cally will give the credit to our school.
Celebrating Monsignor
Join us in celebrating Monsignor John Esquivel’s 50 Years of priesthood and his years of service to St. Antho-
food booths and information booths.
For “Children’s Day,” the pair sought input and ideas from other people throughout the district. “It’s a true team effort,” Loomis said.
Each child who comes to the event will receive a bag of books and other giveaways (while supplies last).
For families who live in Orange Cove, free transpor- tation will be provided. A bus will depart from Citrus Mid- dle School every 30 minutes.
KCUSD officials hope the children and their families not only learn about new activities and programs to enhance the children’s education, but that they feel proud of the success they are experiencing.
And, Oltjenbruns said: “I also just want them to be worry-free and just enjoy and create memories with their child.”
Here is the schedule of events:
• 10 a.m. – Event kickoff, with welcome and announce- ments
• 10:15 a.m. – Farmersville
ny of Padua Catholic Church and St. La Salle School.
The community is cordial- ly invited to a Mass of Thanks- giving at 10 a.m. on Friday, April 27 at the new St. Antho- ny of Padua Catholic Church, 1018 N. Frankwood Ave. We hope to see everyone there!
May Crowning
The May Crowning Mass will be on Friday, May 4. In this special event, students pay homage to our Blessed Mother and crown her as Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Spring Carnival
The St. La Salle School Spring Carnival will be on Friday, May 4, from 3 to 8:30 p.m., and the community is in- vited to attend.
We’ll have games, food booths and lots of fun! There also will be a student talent show and a band program and performances by a ma- riachi band and the student choir. The carnival also will have great prizes. Raffle tick- ets are available in the school office at 404 E. Manning Ave.
(Please note: we need par- ent volunteers for this event.) We hope to see everyone
at the Spring Carnival!
Founders Dinner
Join us on Friday, May 11, to say “thank you” to the family of August and Ralph Madrigal and to Judge Ste- phen Drew for their generous support of St. La Salle. Contact the school office at (559) 638- 2621 for tickets and additional information.
Dates to Remember
• April 28 – St. La Salle First Communion, 10 a.m.
• May 4 – Spring Carnival
• May 11 – Founders Din- ner
High School Ballet Azteca
• 10:45 a.m. – Reedley High School Latin Dance Club • 11:15 a.m. – Zehra Sube- dar, a student at T.L. Reed School, will perform a Bolly-
wood number
• 11:30 a.m. – Navalencia
Middle School Band
• 12:30 p.m. – Karate Acad-
emy of Reedley
• 1 p.m. – Campeonas del
Cambio, a mothers’ folklorico dance group from Jefferson Elementary School
• 10 a.m.-2 p.m. – Gymbo-
• 10 a.m.-noon – Soccer
• 10 a.m-noon – Craft cen-
ter, making Guatemalan wor- ry dolls
• 11 a.m./11:45 a.m./12:30 p.m./1:15 p.m. – Reading Gar- den, featuring guest readers
• 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. – Folklorico workshop
• Noon-2 p.m. – Craft cen- ter, making masks and crowns • 1:15-2 p.m. – Karate
For more information about the event, call (559) 305-7075.
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