Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 9-24-20 E-edition
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Thursday, September 24, 2020 | A8 | Mid Valley TiMes
Garden Checklist: Adjust water system as weather cools
The Garden Check- list is filled with tips and tricks for local gar- deners who wish to keep their greenery, flowers, and herbs looking beau- tiful all year long.
Enjoy the last flush of blooming roses along with the bounty of the fall harvest.
Tasks for this time of year include, adjust- ing watering systems as weather cools. Remove and dispose of any fruit and nuts that cling to the tree. Spray hedges and shrubs with water to clean and keep them free of dust to discour- age spider mites.
When pruning re- member to not apply any treatments to prun-
ing cuts or other wounds because these materials are ineffective and often are detrimental.
Deadhead and shape rosebushes to promote a final fall bloom.
When fertilizing, wait two weeks after planting new flowers and vegeta- bles before feeding with organic or complete fer- tilizer. Add bulb fertil- izer to planting hole be- fore planting bulbs.
This is the best time to plant shrubs and groundcovers.
Groundcovers: Car- pet bugle (Ajuga), Ger- mander (Teucrium chamaedrys ‘Nanum’). Perennials: Cyclamen, French tarragon (Ar- temisia dracunculus), cranesbill (Geranium).
Before planting win-
ter vegetables, turn a generous amount of compost into the veg- etable bed.
Fruits and vegeta- bles: garlic, onion sets, lettuce, parsley.
Trees, shrubs, vines: Acacia baileyana, straw- berry tree (Arbutus ‘Ma- rina’), hawthorn (Cra- taegus), sago palm (Cy- cas), desert willow (Chi- lopsis linearis).
Enjoy now, annuals and perennials: vinca (Catharanthus), chry- santhemum, dianthus, coneflower (Echinacea), globe amaranth (Gom- phrena).Bulbs, corms, tubers: dahlia. Trees, shrubs, vines: pineapple guava (Feijoa), morning glory (Ipomoea), crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia). Fruits and vegetables:
lettuce, melon, nectar- ines, persimmon. Fall color: goldenrain tree (Koelreuteria), sweet gum (Liquidambar sty- raciflua).
Things to ponder. Do not replace vinca with pansies in the same bed due to a soil borne fun- gal root rot that affects these plants.
Source: Adapted from “A Gardener’s Companion for the Cen- tral San Joaquin Valley,” 3rd edition, currently available from Fresno County Master Garden- ers for $30.
Gardening Questions answered at (559) 241- 7534. Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener.
Community CALENDAR Reedley
Last weeks answers
To submit an entry, send information to or call Sanger Office at (559) 875-2511 Reedley Office at (559) 638-2244
Registration Closes Sept. 27 - Virtual Me- chanics Bank Fiesta Walk Run Register on RunSignUp All ages welcome. Call for more information (559) 637- 4203
Register Now - Bab-
Continued from page A7
instruction if the case rate dropped below 14 new cases per 100,000 people averaged over a seven day period.
According to infor- mation by the health de- partment, Fresno County achieved that rate in late September thus allow- ing waivers to be consid- ered by local schools for
ysitting Class. At the Reedley Community Center Register NOW, ages 11-16. Class will be 3 days, 9-17, 9-22, 9-24
For more informa- tion call 637-4203
Sept. 30 - Good Morn- ing Paint at 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
grades TK-6.
In order to be con-
sidered, the school must provide proof of consul- tations with their local la- bor, parent and commu- nity organizations as well as proof of consultations with school staff and the dates the consultations took place.
A total of 13 guide- lines are also being re- quired before the ap- plication process can be considered.
Register Now - Class will be held on the Se- nior Center Patio Reg- ister now. Call for more information (559)637- 4203
Oct. 2 - Paint Night, starting at 6:30 p.m. to 8:30pm. Class will be held on the Senior Cen-
Some of the health department guidelines included cleaning and disinfecting plans, class sizes, and how movement of students and staff will be managed on campus once students return.
"Since last spring we have worked diligently to develop safety pro- tocols that address our current situation," said Campbell. "In July when we convened our Sum- mer Re-Start Program,
ter Patio. Register now, children MUST be ac- companied by an adult
Call for more infor- mation (559) 637-4203
To submit an en- try, send information to news@midvalleytimes. com.
our schools successfully practiced all of our new and existing safety pro- cedures with students. What I observed during our summer program gave me confidence that we have the systems in place that will allow our students and staff mem- bers to return safely."
Both KCUSD and St. La Salle Catholic Schools have safety protocols posted on their websites.
• Day Time (TuesDay, WeDnesDay & ThursDay) • evening & saTurDay Classes available • all hanDs On • nO bOOks
• DenTal bOarD apprOveD (nOT a ClassrOOm)
Next Class starts OCt. 1st
• learn in a DenTisT OffiCe
Call angela 559-216-9011 Or 559-897-4111
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My name is George Moreno and I am a candidate for KCUSD School Board Trustee area #7. My platform is simple, Kids come First, while supporting teach- ers and staff. Don’t spend money you don’t have and be wise when you do and ask how does this bene t the students. To return our students back into the classroom as safe and risk free as possible, taking all necessary precautions. As a Covid survivor I know what happens when necessary precautions are not taken. I am married with a daughter who is a junior at Reedley High and proud to be a Band parent. I attended Navelencia, Great Western, Reedley High and Reedley College. I am a Horticulturist by trade and have over 10 years of school construction experience and have worked on multi million dollar projects throughout the valley. I have taught Ag and Horticulture classes for Reedley Col- lege, instrumental music for St. LaSalle school and religious education for St. An- thony for over 25 years. I’ve played in a number of community concert, orchestra and jazz groups throughout the years. I promise to do the best job I can while keeping our students in the forefront.
KCUSD School Board #7
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