Page 6 - Dinuba Sentinel 10-25-18 E-edition
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A6 | Thursday, October 25, 2018 Community
Emperors of the month for October
The Dinuba Sentinel
Pro les
Continued from Page A1
Victor Rojas – The name Victor Rojas is a familiar name in the city of Dinuba. He is most known for his tenure on the Dinuba Unified School Board, where he served for 20 years.
Born in Guanajuato, Mexico, Rojas came to the United States as a toddler and spent the first few years traveling with his family who were migrant workers. His family settled in Dinuba in 1962, where he attended schools and then graduated from Dinuba High School in 1974.
After graduating from Dinuba High School, Rojas went on to Fresno State where he received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Work. He eventually landed a job working for the Central Valley Regional Center, a private non-profit organization that advocates for the rights of the developmentally disabled. His career with CVRC lasted 33 years.
His time on the Dinuba Unified School Board lasted from 1994 to 2014. But he has also served on other boards, such as Open Gate, Alta Health Clinic and Proteus. In addition, he has also helped put on the Cinco de Mayo pageant with his wife Debbie since 1999.
One of the concerns Rojas has with his district, a district he grew up in, is that there remains some neighborhoods that do not yet have sidewalks. If elected that would be something he would like to see remedied.
As for the downtown area, he feels the city should create incentives (such as tax breaks) to local merchants to help current downtown business owners and encourage future owners to move downtown.
Rojas said one of the biggest accomplishments he was a part of while on the school board was the unification of the district. When he arrived on the board, there were actually two districts, the elementary school district and high school district.
“I asked Stan Carrizosa (then school superintendent) why we had two different school districts with one common administration,” said Rojas. “He told me that that was exactly what he was working on.”
In a public vote, the citizens of Dinuba voted to unify the two districts in 1996. From 10 board members, the new school board was whittled down to five members and Rojas remained.
But it was working as a team that Rojas said he is most proud of in looking back at his time on the Dinuba Unified School Board. That team work helped lead to new air conditioner at the high school as well as the facilities upgrades at the high school’s stadium and the addition of the aquatic center.
Rojas said the first thing he would do if elected would be to educate himself on the ins and outs of being on council. He would also like to see more community involvement and even proposed the idea of holding council meetings at rotating school
See Pro les, Page A8
Michael Chavez (11th grade) - "Michael is the "near- perfect" Emperor student. Helpful, diligent, studious, always cheerful.... a
JOY to have in class. E-M-P-S ..... all the way, Michael!!"
-Mrs.P DHS English Dept.
Robert Gonzalez (9th grade) - "Maturity. Robert is mature beyond his years. He does an excellent job of solving problems in a calm, thoughtful and logical manner. He is a leader in our classroom and is looked up to by his peers."
- Mr. Griffins DHS Academic Support
Yulisa Chavez Ruiz (11th grade)- "Yulisa was chosen for herexcellence in her math well as her focus, participation, and willingness to help other students around her."
- Mr. Pickrell DHS Math Dept.
Danielle Mendoza (12th grade) - "Excellence would describe Danielle. She works hard and does everything excellent. She has the highest of character and is always helping others. I appreciate how she always volunteers when help is needed."
- Mrs. Pennebaker DHS Science Dept.
Brian Falcon (9th grade) – “He brings an amazing attitude to class each day and is well- liked by his peers. He always seems to have a smile on his face.
Cesar Gomez (10th grade)
– “Because of Cesar's maturity and attention to detail, he has stood out and has become a go to student in leading projects among his peers.”
- Mr. Sanchez DHS Industrial Arts Dept.
Jon Sanchez (10th grade)
- "I have the pleasure of having Jon Eric for both Honors World History and Sociology and in both of these classes he exhibits excellence. He turns in teh most incredible projects with attention to detail and relevancy. His drive and ambition will take him far in his life."
- Ms. Sumpter DHS Social Science Dept.
Anthony Gomez (9th grade) - "It is a pleasure to have Anthony in Advanced ELD A. He comes to class with a great attitude and prepared to learn. He is very responsible with his class assignments and does his very best on tests. I'm very proud of him."
- Ms. Herevia DHS ELD Dept.
Alyssa Solis (12th grade) - "Maturity. Alyssa is a delight to have as a student in class. She comes to class prepared and ready to work every day. She has shown that she has a tremendous work ethic and does her best on every assignment. She is a leader by her actions and sets a great example for other students."
- Mr. Celum DHS Business Dept.
Sentinel staff report part of the district's Positive Behavior Intervention and behave with four things in mind; Excellence,
Ten students from Dinuba High School were recently recognized for exhibiting positive behavior, serving as role models for their peers at schoo. The students are
Supports program, a program that looks to reward students for their good behavior rather than discipline them for their unwanted behavior.
The program's expectation is that each student
Maturity, Perserverance and Saftey. Each student was recommended by a teacher at the school. Their comments are provided below with a photo of each Emperor of the Month.
What a student!”
DHS English Dept.
Evelyn Pastrana (12th grade) - "Evelyn is a very positive student. She has a great attitude and is always ready to learn. I really enjoy having her in class."
- Mrs. Schuster Valley ROP
- Mr. Badger
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State Center Community College
District Trustee Area 4
As your Area 4 District Trustee, I have fought to put Students First and will continue our Quest for Excellence.
Buddy Mendes, Supervisor, District 4, Fresno County
Steve Worthley, Supervisor, District 4, Tulare County
Sal Quintero, Supervisor, District 3, Fresno County
Judy Case McNairy, Former Supervisor, District 4, Fresno County
Delbert Cederquist, Trustee, Board of Education, Fresno County
Debbie Ikeda, Trustee, State Center CCD
Dr. Marcy Masumoto, Trustee-Elect, Fresno County Board of Education
Anita Betancourt, Mayor, City of Reedley
Frank Pinon, Mayor Pro-Tempore, City of Reedley
Robert Beck, Councilmember, City of Reedley
Mary Fast, Councilmember, City of Reedley
Ray Soleno, Councilmember, City of Reedley
Jim Avalos, Mayor, City of Selma
Scott Robertson, Mayor Pro-Tempore, City of Selma
Mike Derr, Councilmember, City of Selma
Yvette Montijo, Councilmember, City of Selma
Scott Harness, Mayor, City of Dinuba
Linda Launer, Councilmember, City of Dinuba
Bruce Blayney, Mayor Pro-Tempore, City of Kingsburg
Frank Gonzalez, Mayor, City of Sanger
Drew Bessinger, Mayor Pro-Tempore, City of Clovis
Vong Mouanoutoua, Councilmember, City of Clovis
Daniel Parra, Councilmember, City of Fowler
John DeLa Montanya, Former Mayor, City of Dinuba
Mike Smith, Former Mayor, City of Dinuba
Dr. Larry Wilder, Former Mayor, City of Reedley
Dennis Lujan, Former Mayor, City of Selma
Steve Rapada, Former Mayor Pro- Tempore, City of Reedley
Juan Montano, Former Councilmember, City of Parlier
Craig Cooper, Trustee, Kings Canyon USD
Manuel Ferreira, Trustee, Kings Canyon USD
Robin Tyler, Trustee, Kings Canyon USD Carlos Lopez, Trustee, Parlier USD
Pete Filippi, Trustee, Sanger USD Ismael Hernandez, Trustee, Sanger USD Brandon Vang, Trustee, Sanger USD Ron Manfredi, Former Trustee,
Dorothy “Dottie” Smith, Former Trustee, State Center CCD
Jim Mulligan, Trustee-Elect, Kings Canyon USD
Dr. Bill Stewart, Former Chancellor State Center CCD
Dr. Sandra Caldwell, Former President, Reedley College
Dr. Tom Crow, Former Chancellor, State Center CCD
Juan Garza, Former Supt., Kings Canyon USD
Marc Johnson, Former Supt, Sanger USD
Matt Navo, Former Supt, Sanger USD
Debbie Marvin Deeter, Former Supt., Valley ROP
Irvin Isaak, Former Administrator, Kings Canyon USD
Anthony Jewel, Professor Emeritus, Reedley College
Robert Takacs, Professor Emeritus, Reedley College
ENdorSEmENtS: Partial List of Supporters
Current or Former Elected Of cials
State Center CCD
Harold McClarty
Greg and Karen Musson
Manuel Cunha, Nisei Farmers League
Pete Penner
Israel Lara
Pao Yang
Fred McNairy
Glenda Hill
Tom Mulholland
Tim Thiesen
Barbara Thiesen
Bobby Ikemiya
Kay Nurmi Dimuro
Dallas and Paula Kanagawa Ralph Urbano
Greg Thonesen Dave Botkin
Ty Parkinson Maria McElroy Steve Abe
Jeff Abe
George Moreno
Mary Allen
Linda Duran
Stan Hirahara
Stan Ishii
Wayne and Pat Bemis Charles and Georgeen Cekola Ron and Jean Gerstenberg Liz Defore
I would appRecIate youR vote NovembeR 6, 2018
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