Page 18 - Reedley Expodent 12-21-17 e-edition
P. 18

The Reedley Exponent B10 Thursday, December 21, 2017
The Exponent's Cookie Contest winners
5 cups flour
1 pound butter
1 pint sour cream
3 egg yolks
1 cup powdered sugar (for
dusting after baking)
Cut flour in with butter until it
feels coarse, like cornmeal. Mix in 3 egg yolks. Add sour cream and knead by hand. Form into 8 or 9 balls. Wrap separately in waxed paper and chill in fridge 1 to 2 hours.
2 cups sugar
Continued from page B1
name be more appropriate?) said she missed the phone call from The Exponent on Dec. 18 to tell her she had won. So, as the day went by, she thought someone else had.
When The Exponent called later in the afternoon, Baker was overjoyed. “I won first place!” she shouted to her family. “I’m so excited.”
Second place went to Barbara Kaspian for her Carrot Cake Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting. She received a $50 gift certifi- cate from Town and Country. Third place went to Andrea Cendejas, who got a $25 gift certificate from the market.
For Baker, the Swedish Christmas Cookies mean so much for different reasons. First, the cookies have been passed from one generation to the next in her family, starting with her grandmoth- er, Beverly Nelson.
Then, Katie’s mother, Gail Baker, and Katie’s aunt,
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3 egg whites
3 cups chopped walnuts 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
Mix all filling together. Roll out pastry dough on floured surface into a circle, using a rolling pin. Cut into wedges (like a pizza). Put a lit- tle spoonful of filling at large end and roll up like a crescent shape.
Bake on waxed paper at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Once cooled, carefully roll each cookie in powdered sugar.
Makes 5-6 dozen.
Marilyn Baker, would make them.
“My aunt picked up the recipe and loved it,” Baker said.
Now 32, Baker remem- bers as a young child re- ceiving those cookies at the holidays from her aunt: “She would make them every year and send them in the mail, dozens and dozens, to fam- ily.”
Marilyn Baker, who lives in Paso Robles sent the reci- pe to her niece and told her how to make them. Baker said she started doing so a couple of years ago.
The cookies also mean a lot to Baker because her aunt is battling pancreatic cancer. Baker said she is doing well.
Baker and her fam- ily were living in Riverside before moving to Reedley about a year ago. “We love Reedley,” she said. “We love how it’s a small, quiet com- munity.”
When she learned about the cookie contest, she wanted to enter the Swedish Christmas Cookie. “It’s the cookie that reminds me of Christmastime,” she said.
1 cup butter (sweet cream salted
1 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/4 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups grated and chopped
raw carrots
Cream cheese frosting
Grate and chop 2 cups of raw
Her family was just as thrilled that she won. She and her husband, J.J. Sun- dquist, have three children – Andre, 11, Ivy, 7, and Luna, 11 months. “Everyone was excited,” Baker said. “They were yelling in the house.”
And, of course, she’s tell- ing her Aunt Marilyn what happened.
If you want to make Bak- er’s recipe, she said that “it seems kind of hard, but it re- ally isn’t.”
Her one piece of advice? Make sure you use a rolling pin to press the dough into a thin, flat circle. Don’t try to just use your hands to do it.
Ironically, Baker said she doesn’t really bake that often, just occasionally she makes homemade bread.
The first-place prize is coming at a most opportune time for Baker and her fam- ily. They had gone grocery shopping just before travel- ing out of town for a couple of days. When they returned, they discovered the refriger- ator had broken down.
Baker said they are “to- tally going shopping for Christmas dinner.”
In a large bowl, cream butter
and sugars until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs and vanilla.
Mix in cinnamon, baking
powder, baking soda and salt and mix well.
Add flour and mix until com- bined. Add 2 cups of carrots.
Bake the cookies at 375 de- grees in oven for 13-15 minutes, or until golden brown around the edges. Allow cookies to cool.
Frost with your favorite prefer- ence of cream cheese frosting.
Continued from page B3
accredited Christian universi- ty in the Valley and has been ranked among top-tier univer- sities in the western United States.
This December’s gradu- ates include undergraduate and graduate students.
The university said stu- dents who completed degrees include students who enter Fresno Pacific with some col- lege credit while many grad- uate students already are professionals in their field of study.
Traditional undergraduate programs are developed for recent high school graduates and students transferring from community colleges.
D. Merrill Ewert was the Dec. 16 commencement speaker.
He was FPU president for the first December com- mencement. He served from 2002 to 2012, coming to FPU from Cornell University. Dur- ing Ewert’s tenure at Fresno Pacific, enrollment grew
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1/2 cupmargarineorbutter
1 six-ounce package butter- scotch chips
1 six-ounce package choco- late chips
1 cup shredded coconut
1 1/2 cups chopped nuts
1 large can Eagle brand milk
from approximately 1,500 to more than 3,500.
Also, new regional cam- puses were added in Merced, north Fresno, Visalia and Ba- kersfield. And, the MB Bibli- cal Seminary was merged into FPU, becoming the Fresno Pa- cific Biblical Seminary.
His topic was “Walk with Grace, Live in Peace and Act with Courage.”
Ewert said that, decades from now, the graduates will ask themselves “What did I do with my life?” “What dif- ference have I made?”
Mix all ingredients. Put in a rectangular cake pan that is lined with parchment paper. (A stan- dard size is a 9x13-inch cake pan.)
Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.
Cool slightly.
Cut and remove from pan.
“That's the real test,” he said.
Ewert encouraged the graduates to enjoy their day and then use their degrees to help change the world.
“I pray that in several decades, you'll look back and be able to say, ‘I made a dif- ference!’” he said. “You will, if you walk with grace, live in peace and act in courage.”
Current FPU President Joseph Jones and Donald Griffith, chairman of the FPU Board of Trustees, presented the degrees at the ceremony.
Katie Baker
Barbara Kaspian
Andrea Cendejas
Swedish Christmas Cookies
Carrot Cake Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting
Seven Ingredient Cookies
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Exp. 1/3/18

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