Page 2 - Dinuba Sentinel 12-20-18 E-edition
P. 2
A2 | Thursday, December 20, 2018 Obituaries
The Dinuba Sentinel
'Stuff the Trolley' event
brings community together
Vietta Pearl Austin
Vietta Pearl Austin, a resident of Visalia, died December 12, 2018. She was 89.
She was a homemaker
Visitation will be held Thursday, December 20 at 11 a.m. at Dopkins Funeral Chapel.
Surviving family members include two sons, two daughters, 14 grandchildren and 17 greatgrandchildren.
Dopkins Funeral Chapel is handling the arrangements.
Julia Ann Balderas
Julia Ann Balderas, a resident of Orosi, died December 13, 2018. She was 90.
She was a director of child care.
Visitation will be held Friday, December 21 at Cutler Apostolic Church from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m.
Surviving family members include a son, four daughters, two sisters, 23 grandchildren and 38 great grandchildren.
Dopkins Funeral Chapel is handling the arrangements.
Audelia Lizarraga De Chavez
Audelia Lizarraga De Chavez, a resident of Dinuba, died December 2, 2018. She was 102.
She was a school teacher.
Services were held on Monday, December 17.
Surviving family members include three sons, three daughters, 24 grandchildren, 44 great grandchildren and 27 great great grandchildren.
DopkinsFuneralChapel handled the arrangements.
Thomas Garza
Thomas Garza, a resident of Dinuba, died December 16, 2018. He was 54.
He was a production line worker.
Visitation will be held Wednesday, December 26 from4p.m.–8p.m.atSt. Catherine’s Catholic Church. Rosary will be at 6 p.m. Mass will be Thursday, December 27 at 10 a.m. at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church.
Surviving family members include four sons, a daughter, two brothers and a sister.
Dopkins Funeral Chapel is handling the arrangements.
Jose Abdon Gutierrez
Jose Abdon Gutierrez,
a resident of Visalia, died December 14, 2018. He was 91.
He was a farm labor.
Services will be held on Friday, December 21 at St. Catherine’s Church from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Surviving family members include three sons, two daughters, 10 grandchildren and 16 great great grandchildren.
Dopkins Funeral Chapel is handling the arrangements.
Eloisa Alejandro Lopez
Eloisa Alejandro Lopez, a resident of Kingsburg, died December 16, 2018. She was 82.
She was a home maker.
Visitation will be on Friday, December 21 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Funeral mass will be held at 11 a.m.
Surviving family members include five sons, a daughter, two brothers, two sisters and many grand and great grandchildren.
Sterling & Smith Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.
Gabriel Sebastian Ramos
Gabriel Sebastian Ramos, a resident of Kingsburg, died November 6, 2018. He was 83.
He was a eld worker.
Services were held on Tuesday, December 12.
Surviving family mem- bers include three sons, two daughters, three broth- ers, three sisters, and four grandchildren.
Sterling & Smith Funeral Home handled the arrange- ments.
Yuriko Watari
Yuriko Watari, a resident of Reedley, died December 13, 2018. She was 88.
Visitation will be held on Friday, December 21 from 5p.m.–7p.m.atFirst Methodist Church in Reedley. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, December 22 at 9 a.m. at First Methodist Church in Reedley.
Surviving family members include two brothers
Farewell Reedley Arrangement Center is handling the arrangments.
On Friday, Dec. 14, the city of Dinuba's transit center, in cooperation with the Dinuba Unified School District's after- school program teamed up to bring food and presents to family and children throughout the community.
Publisher - Fred Hall Advertising - Debra Leak Editor - Rick Curiel Vol. CIX, No. 45
Established 1909 - Published every Thursday
145 South L Street, Dinuba, CA 93618-2324, (559) 591-4632 How to subscribe: Call (559) 591-4632. Subscriptions are $25 a year in Tulare County, $29.50 in California, $31.50 elsewhere in the United States.
The Dinuba Sentinel is owned by Mid Valley Publishing Inc. USPS 157340 ISSN 0745-6654
Postmaster: Send address changes to 145 South L Street, Dinuba, CA 93618-2324.
The Dinuba Sentinel was established on Feb. 11, 1909, then succeeding the Orosi Offer which was established on April 21, 1902, and on Jan. 15, 1917, the Dinuba Advocate. The latter, when established, absorbed The Traver Advocate, which was established Oct. 9, 1875. The Kingsburg Sentinel, which was established on Feb. 20, 1947, consolidated with the Dinuba Sentinel on Aug. 28, 1951. Reaffirmed as a legal publication under California statute and Tulare County Civil Code No. 19523 on April 2, 1928.
Sentinel staff report
Dinuba Police incident calls in the last week.
Monday, December 10
•Areportofamandownwas reported in the area of Magnolia Way and Second Avenue at 1:18 a.m.
• A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2200 block of East El Monte Way at 5:45 a.m.
• An aggressive Husky tried biting a male subject that was walking on 100 block of East North Way. It was reported at 9:12 a.m.
• A non-injury traffic collision was reported in the area of Kamm and College avenues at 1:45 p.m.
•Asuspiciousvehiclewas reported in the 1200 block of Brent Road at 3:50 p.m. The caller stated a male subject was possibly following the caller's daughter as she walked home from school. The vehicle was described as a black vehicle was tinted windows.
• A Christmas projector was reported stolen in the 600 block of Hayes Avenue at 7:44 p.m.
• Vandalism was reported in the 1600 block of East El Monte Way at 9:01 p.m. The tires to a white 2012 Chevy Cruze were reportedly slashed.
• Vandalism was reported in the 900 block of Linzmeier Drive at 10:10 p.m. The caller's vehicle was reportedly smeared with tuna.
Tuesday, December 11
• A vehicle burglary was reported in the 700 block of Sequoia Drive at 8:04 a.m.
• An intoxicated subject was reported in the alley of the 100 block of South L Street at 12:54 p.m.
• A theft report was made in the 700 block of West El Monte Way
at 3:05 p.m. Someone reportedly took itmes from a vehicle parked in front of Walmart.
• An unwanted subject was reported in the 900 block of South College Avenue at 3:35 p.m. A male subject, wearing a Santa hat and black sweater, was laying by front door and was refusing to leave.
• A passer by reported seeing a male wearing all black chasing a female in the 100 block of Randle Avenue at 4:20 p.m.
• Shots fired were reported in the 1500 block of South College Avenue at 10:30 p.m. Three shots were heard, followed by a vehicle speeding away.
Wednesday, December 12
•Suspicioussubjectswere reported in the 500 block of Sycamore Drive at 2:01 a.m. Three subjects were outside near a white Ford Ranger in the drive way.
• Vandalism was reported in the 400 block of North L Street at 12:42 p.m. A window to a business was broken.
• A license plate was reported stolen in the 1700 block of East El Monte Way at 1:21 p.m.
• A vehicle versus pedestrian traffic collision was reported in the 800 block of North Alta Avenue at 5:31 p.m.
• A public disturbance was reported in the 800 block of North Alta Avenue at 9:32 p.m. A male was reportedly hitting a woman in the face.
Thursday, December 13
• A wallet was reported stolen in the 400 block of West Tulare Street at 11:10 a.m.
A commercial burglary was reported in the 100 block of East Tulare Street at 11:12 a.m.
• Trespassers were reported in the 200 block of South P Street at 11:54 a.m. Two males and a
female were reportedly trying to get boards off the back of a residence.
• Theft was reported in the 1000 block of North Bates Avenue at 5:53 p.m. Cans were reportedly stolen from the back pation of a residence.
• A public disturbance was reported in the area of Tulare and K streets at 8:34 p.m. A male was reportedly hitting a female. The female was said to be pushing a bike and the male was wearing a gray sweater and blue pants.
Friday, December 14
• An unwanted person was reported in the 700 block of West El Monte Way at 2:28 a.m. The subject was reportedly urinating inpublicandwaswearingadark- blue hooded sweater, shorts and slip-on vans.
• A pit bull was reportedly running around loose in the 1100 block of East Millwood Drive at 9:25 a.m.
• Domestic violence was reported in the 500 block of West El Monte Way at 12:57 p.m. The victim stated the male subject hit her with the trunk of his vehicle and then fled the scene. He reportedly drove off in a white Dodge Avenger.
• A theft report was made in the 700 block of West El Monte Way at 7:39 p.m. The suspect was described as wearing a brown hat, black hoodie and black sweats.
• Vandalism was reported in the 41000 block of Road 62 at 10:16 p.m. Reporting party stated his window broke as he was driving and believed it may have been the result of a gun shot.
Saturday, December 15
• An injury traffic collision was reported in the area of Sequoia Drive and North Alta Avenue at 5:45 a.m. The accident reportedly
involved two vehicles, with one hitting another that was parked. A female was reportedly injured in the accident.
• A public disturbance was reported in the 800 block of South College Avenue at 10:10 a.m. A male subject, believed to be living in his vehicle, was causing a disturbance.
• Vandalism to a vehicle was reported in the 1400 block of North Crawford Avenue at 2:26 p.m. The vandalism was reportedly done to a White Kia Optima.
• A noise complaint for loud music was reported in the 1600 block of East Akers Way at 7:39 p.m.
• A robbery was reported in the 100 block of South Q Street at 11:08 p.m. The victim, a pizza deliverydriver,wasreportedly robbed at gun point.
Sunday, December 16
• Two aggressive pit bulls were reported in the 1900 block of Meadow Lane at 8:33 a.m.
• A reckless driver was reported in the area of Avenue 384 and Road 80 at 1:31 p.m. The vehicle was reportedly driving northbound on Road 80 at a very high rate of speed.
• A reckless driver was reported in the near McDonal's heading eastbound on East El Monte Way at 4:03 p.m. The vehicle, described as a gold GMC Envoy, was driving at a high rate of speed.
• A theft report was made in the 700 block of West El Monte Way at 5:28 p.m. A male and female with children were reportedly concealing items in a bag.
• A noise complaint was reported in the 300 block of East Tulare Street at 7:45 p.m. Subjects were reportedly being loud and kicking walls.
• Vandalism to a vehicle was reported in the 200 block of North Perry Avenue at 8:15 p.m.
Respect ~ Honor ~ Remember
Cairns Funeral Home
Serving Families for Generations
Complete Funeral Services
• Cremation Services • Preplanning Services • Monument Sales
~ Serving all Faiths ~
940 F Street • Reedley Lic.#FD626 Joseph R.
December 8, 1950 ~ December 7, 2018
“A man of great character whose judgement, humor and friendly spirit brought out the
nest in those around him. The in uence of his life upon others is a ame that will burn brightly forever. He left so much good with every soul he touched on this earth.”
Joe went to be with our Lord on December 7, 2018. He was preceded by his father Apolonio Martinez granddaughter McKenna Martinez and stepson Jason Leal. He is survived by his wife Gloria Martinez his sons Michael & Chris Martinez, stepdaughter Rene Carrasco, stepsons Amado Leal and Chris Leal, his mother Candelaria Martinez, sisters Rosie Glavez, Ruby Garza, and Patricia Martinez and his brother Ramiro Martinez, his nieces and nephews and his grandchildren & great-grandchildren. He will be greatly missed.
Mary Christ mas
On call 24 hours (559) 638-2233
Jason A. Leal
10-26-72 ~ 12-21-14
It’s been 4 years since you’ve been gone but not one day goes by that
you’re missed greatly.
With love your family will always feel for you.
From the Martinez & Leal family
Arrangement Center
Funerals • Cremations
There IS a Difference in Funeral Providers... for Courteous, Professional and Compassionate attention to EVERY detail
The Simple & Affordable alternative to the Traditional Funeral Home
Bob Bergthold • Cary Joslin
1318 G St • Reedley (559) 637-4477 (24 Hrs.) FD 2174
Photo contributed
Lights &Sirens
The after-school programs spear-headed the efforts at their respective schools to raise as many can food items as possible. According to city of Dinuba's Luz Torrez, Lincoln Elementary School brought in the most cans.
The cans were donated to Open Gate Ministries and will distributed during their regurlarly scheduled food pantry hours, which are held Mondays from 12 to 3 p.m.
On Dec. 24, in addition to handing out free food, Open Gate Ministries will also be giving away free toys to children who come to the food pantry.
Pictured are some of those who made the Stuff the Trolley event possible, Dinuba Police Officer Marcos Nunez, and Dinuba Police Explorers Dafny Espinosa, Ricardo Diaz, Melanie Lopez and Eric Rodriguez.
Baby Jesus Peace on Earth