Page 20 - Mid Valley Times 10-15-20 E-edition
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Thursday, October 15, 2020 | B10 | Mid Valley TiMes Community CALEndAR
Oct. 22 - Sanger Business Watch Meet- ing. Join us for an infor- mative meeting to learn about a new partner- ship between the City of Sanger Police Depart-
Oct.23-DiaDeLos Muertos Paint Night. The Dinuba Chamber of Commerce will be host- ing Dia de los Muertos Paint Night Celebrating Life on Friday, Oct. 23
ment and Fire Depart- ment and your business. Learn how to take control of what happens in your business com- munity. Call the Cham- ber office for details at
55-875-4575 or email at karen.sangerchamber@ See Less
To submit an entry, send information to news@midvalleytimes. com.
Oct. 21 - The next Kings River Conserva- tive Meeting will be at the School House Res- taurant at 6:30 p.m..
We will talk about the
additional information and ticket prices, please contact the Dinuba Chamber of Commerce at (559) 591-2707.
election, propositions, the Election Integrity Project, and have voter guides available.
Matt Tuttle will also speak about his run for Reedley City Council.
We hope to see you at our meeting.
To submit an en- try, send information to news@midvalleytimes. com.
at the Alta District His- torical Society located at 289 South K Street.
Come join the cele- bration of life affirming joy with spirits, food, raffle, art, music and
Photo Contributed
fun. Gates open at 6 p.m. and the painting party isfrom7p.m.to9p.m. The event is for 21 and over and tickets must be purchased. No entry tickets will be sold. For
Blake Hartwig, a sophomore at Sanger High School posed for a photo with his sheep.
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Emily Medina a Reedley High School student smiled in a photo with her sheep before the competition.
Photo Contributed
Eric dominguez, Reedley High School's FFA President and a junior, showed a market sheep at the Fresno Fair on Oct. 5.
Photo Contributed
Seth Buchanan, Reedley High School freshman and "Remington" the sheep at the Fresno Fair.
dinuba High School's Heidi nunez showed proudly showed off her FFA jacket with school name and logo.
Photo Contributed

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