P. 6
ICON Scenario description for LEVEL2
A roadblock is a temporary installation set up to control or block traffic along a road. The reasons for one could be
Roadworks or temporary road closure during special events. If you come across one, please follow the detour
indictor properly without taking any risks. A detour (diversion) is a temporary route taking traffic around an area
of a roadblock. Standard operating procedure for many roads departments is to route any detour over roads within
the same jurisdiction as the road with the obstructed area.
20. PARALLEL Parking spots: The term parallel parking means parking the vehicle in a line i.e. front to rear. The
parking area should be one and half times longer than the vehicle to be parked. • Slowly reverse into the space
provided for parking, turning the steering wheel anti-clockwise.• If the vehicle is not parallel to the curb, drive
forward to straighten. Make sure the wheels of the car are straight.• After the vehicle is properly parked, pull the
handbrake and shift into first or reverse gear. Turn off the engine and remove the key from the ignition.• Check the
traffic before opening door of the vehicle.
21. PERPENDICULAR Parking spots: By perpendicular parking it means that parking at right angle of the road
curb. Always reverse the vehicle in the parking space so that you can exit comfortably.
• Turn the steering anti-clockwise and reverse slowly until you are in the centre of the parking space.
• Close the window and lock the vehicle.
For Exit: Move the vehicle very slowly in order to get a clear view of the road. Look on both the sides, indicate
and move the vehicle out.