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9.8 Change of Status

               The  employee  should  inform  the  Head  of  the  Administration  Department  if
               he/she wishes to make changes in any of the following areas:

                •  Name (because of marriage)

                •  Address and Phone Number
                •  Marital Status
                •  Dependents
                •  Person to notify in case of emergency
                •  Beneficiary for SSS Retirement benefits

               9.9 Security

               An  employee  is  encouraged  to  report  questionable  activities  or  suspicious
               circumstances to his/her supervisor or the security officer promptly.

               9.10 Telephone Calls

               Telephones are primarily for business use and may not be used for personal calls
               unless necessary.

               9.11 Security Passes and Package Inspection

               A security pass or the Product Issuance Slip, signed by the company’s designated
               representative, is required in order to bring out any article from the office.

               If the employee is bringing in any article of value, he/she is advised to declare it

               to the floor security officer for logging in the control logbook.

               The unauthorized removal of any company property from the premises is ground
               for serious disciplinary action, including dismissal.

               9.12 Visitors of Employees

               The employee is not allowed to receive visitors in his/her place of work. In cases
               of bona fide emergency, however, the Security Officer will inform the employee
               and in turn the employee shall ask the permission of his/her department head to
               leave his/her work area and attend to the visitor.

               9.13 Outside Employment

               While INHAIL TRADING does not intend to interfere with an employee’s personal
               affairs or limit his outside activities, it strongly discourages employees to maintain
               work in other companies, even if on a part-time basis only, as this greatly affects
               the employee’s efficiency.

               Any work/job that is conflict with an employee’s working hours in the company
               is prohibited.
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