Page 32 - Chiron Spring/Summer 2023
P. 32

 AMS Football Tour 2022 to Nashville/Atlanta
This article will give an overview on the male AMS (Army Medical Services) football tour to the ‘deep south’
of the USA, which was spilt into 2 blocks. 5 days in Nashville and 5 days in Atlanta. After a painstaking year of planning and organising by the AMS male football captain SSgt Jordan Page, we were ready to take off and showcase what the AMS had to offer on foreign soil. The squad was made up from experienced
AMS players to players making their first appearances in an AMS shirt, showing that the AMS is always ready to expand and reinvigorate the playing squad.
Departing from Heathrow the spirits within the squad were
high, touching down in Nashville the squad took the opportunity to explore the vibrant country and western music scene that Nashville’s famous ‘music city’ strip was synonymous for. This a theme that would continue throughout our time in Nashville.
Day 2 in Nashville began with a training session in centennial park (as seen in picture above) under the stewardship of coach WO2 Philip Pimlott and manager SSgt Levi Scarlett. After the squad was put through its paces the squad was free to explore what else Nashville had to offer.
Day 3 saw the AMS’s first match against Nashville FC who had recently won the USA amateur cup making them the best amateur team in the entire USA! The match was a cagey affair with both teams evenly matched. The deadlock was broken late on in the first half when Nashville fc beat the offside trap
to smash the ball into the top left corner from 30 yards out.
With the game level it would be Nashville, who again would take
the lead after a debatable offside decision led to the ball getting crossed in the box again Capt Michael Brewer narrowly getting beaten. With the score at 2-1 the notorious AMS spirit would not falter and late into the game after some
great build up play again LCpl Mason Carr upon making his AMS debut laid the ball to Cpl George Ray who hit a sweet first-time strike
from outside the box which left
the goalkeeper nothing to do apart from to watch the ball thunder past him into the top corner. The match
 to score. The 2nd half began and with the managers words about the ‘pictures of play’
still ringing in
the squad’s ears,
the game was
turned on its
head when Cpl
Nicolas Clifford
played a 70-yard
pass to the feet
of who LCpl Mason Carr beat three players, and laid the ball perfectly to Sgt Ross Titcombe who made
a marauding run from left back
 With the game level it would be Nashville, who again would take the lead after a debatable offside decision
 30 / Chiron Calling

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