Page 58 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2023
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                                 Obituary – Charles Colin Cooper
It is with great sadness that I inform you of the death of Charles Cooper FNVS who passed away on Sunday January 22nd. 2023 aged 80.
Charles joined North East Derbyshire D.A. in 2001 and was elected on to the D.As committee in 2003. For his work with the D.A, he was awarded a fellowship in 2008.
Charles was known within the D.A as the Logistics Manager for very good reasons, he moved everything and everyone to and from the shows where the D.A put on vegetable displays. Not only did he move the material used in the displays he also made many of the props used in them.
He was an active member of his local allotment society being its chairman for a number of years. With the support of his wife, they organised the village vegetable and flower show.
Many of the Simply Vegetable Magazine readers will have known Charles through Exhibition Seed Potatoes (ESP) which he ran with his wife Sue. In January and February, Charles and Sue travelled the length and breadth of the country delivering seed potatoes to NVS members and the general public.
The D.A members shared many happy hours with Charles at the shows in all kinds of weather. He was a very generous person and will be greatly missed by many of his friends and our sincere condolences go to his wife Sue.
Rest in peace Dear Friend from all at NEDDA.
Geoff Butterworth FNVS
North East Derbyshire DA Secretary
and Cheshire
We will be starting our meetings again on 7th February at 7:30pm at The Hough End Police Club, Chorlton with our AGM, and a seed swap. I have been trying to get speakers booked in for the remainder of the year, but speakers seem to be thin on the ground in this area. I have managed to book the following
• 4thApril:Orchidcare– John Leaning
• 2ndMay:NaturesLarderand Medicine Chest – Barbara Wilkinson
• 11th June: Bridgewater Trip – no Tuesday meeting will be held but details will be given out in a prior meeting.
• 4th July: Gaskill’s garden on a plate – Jackie Tucker
• 7thNovember:QuizandBuffet
I am still looking to fill March, August and September. No meeting in October as the room is not available. I will email out any updates to this list. If you wish
to receive these updates from myself please email
On a sad note, one of our members Gordon Bird sadly passed away on the 28th of January. He was a long-term
Gordon Bird
member of the Manchester DA and the president of our local allotment society and member of the Northern Moor Gardening Society, which he had been a member of for around 50 years. He was a very active member of the Manchester DAformanyyearshelpingwiththeDA show, RHS Tatton to name just a couple. Even though he was no longer an active member of the DA I am sure many people will remember Gordon fondly. At the grand age of 95 he definitely had a good innings. He will be sorely missed by all; sincere condolences go to his family from all at the Manchester DA.
Sandra McNicholls
  Mansfield DA
Venue: The Black Bull, Public House.
On the A60, Woodhouse Road, Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottingham NG18 2BQ. Time 7.00pm.
22nd February
Water vapour and carbon dioxide reference to 19.00hrs global warming
by John Moreton
29th Mar – 7.00pm
Gladiolus by Peter Forrow
9th May –7.00pm
Evening with Martin Fish and Wife Joining with Ashfield U3A at Kirkby £5.00 each with tea and home-made cake
14th May – 10am
Plant Sale Coffee Morning
at Jill Pullan’s home
31st May –7.00pm
All about Bees Janet Bates
28th June – 7.00pm
Carrots, Cabbage and other Ancients
by Tracey Akehurst
30th July – 2.00pm
Visit to Peter Glazebrook’s Garden the Giant vegetables prize winner Holme Lane, Halam, Newark NG22 8AF
30th Aug – 7.00pm
Our annual show of fruit, vegetables, flowers cakes,
27th Sept – 7.00pm
Old Costumes Sonia Preece
from Hardwick Hall
25th Oct – 7.00pm
AGM. Seed swap. Quiz night. All welcome. Contact Gina Dunnicliff 01480 381565
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